Aarenet VoIP System Support

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Note The features and/or parameters listed in this article may not be available from your telephone service provider.




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The operation and support personnel find here links to manuals, tutorials etc. for supporting and maintenance of the VoIP system:

  • Guides for solving user problems
  • A manual of the Aarenet VoIP Switch supporting tools
  • A manual of the maintenance and problem solving of the Aarenet VoIP Switch
  • A guide for the maintenance and problem solving of DELL servers
  • A brief tutorial of the VoIP signaling protocols

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Supporting User Problems

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User Guide for Solving Telephony Problems (Support Level 1)

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This article describes how the user himself can solve problemes with a VoIP device, e.g. VoIP telephone, or analogue device, e.g. Fax, over a modern VoIP transmission network.

If the user can not solve the problem, he / she can find out here which information he / she needs to provide for the provider support in order to help them efficiently.

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Introduction for Supporting User Problems (Support Level 2)

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The supporter finds here instructions how to handle a user's level 2 telephony problems:

  • Best Practice for Handling an User Problem
  • Record the Customer's Data and Problem Description
  • Analyzing the Customer Problem
  • Solving the Customer Problem

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Manual of the Aarenet VoIP Switch Support Tools

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The VoIP Switch Administrators, Operators, Supporters find here information about the Aarenet VoIP Switch "On Board" tools for analyzing and supporting general VoIP Switch issues and customer problems:

  • The ConfigCenter "Support Log" displays the VoIP Switch internal activities
  • The ConfigCenter "Traces" displays the signaling between the VoIP Switch an external devices
  • The ConfigCenter "Call Data" lists the CDR of all incoming or outgoing connections or connection attempts. The "Call Data" provide shortcuts to SIP, SDP trace and RTP statistic information of a single call.
  • The ConfigCenter "Address Registration" displays if a SIP device or MGCP MTA has registered a telephone number
  • The ConfigCenter "System Components" displays the state and activity of the VoIP Switch components
  • The ConfigCenter "Channels" displays the state of connections
  • The ConfigCenter "System Utilization" displays a statistical overview of the VoIP Switch resource utilization

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Manual for the Maintenance and Problem Solving of the Aarenet VoIP Switch

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In the first part the VoIP Switch administrator finds instructions for basic VoIP Switch components commands for e.g.:

  • Start the VoIP Switch Component
  • Stop the VoIP Switch Component
  • Check the VoIP Switch Component status
  • Put Out of Service a VoIP Switch Component
  • Put Back to Service a VoIP Switch Component

In the second part the VoIP Switch administrator finds information how to maintain the VoIP Switch due to monitor events e.g.:

  • VoIP Switch component messages
  • DataBase replication broken
  • IP connectivity or network problems
  • Server problems like hard-disk space low

In the third part VoIP Switch administrator finds information how to handle all over VoIP System problematic, e.g.:

  • Fraud

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Guide for the Maintenance and Problem Solving for Servers from DELL Inc ®

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The VoIP Switch Administrator and/or server service personnel find here information for DELL server maintenance and trouble shooting:

  • Best practice when a hardware HW problem is indicated
  • Server monitoring with "DELL OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA)" and "Xymon monitor"
  • Checking and indicating of hardware problems
  • Procedure for replacing defect HW parts with DELL
  • Treating server hardware problems
  • Treating RAID and hard-disk HD problems

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Brief Tutorial of the SIP Signaling and SDP Media Protocols

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The VoIP Switch administrators, operators and supporters find here information about the Session Initiation Protocol SIP and Session Description Protocol SDP.

Basic knowhow about connection signalization with Session Initiation Protocol SIP:

Basic knowhow about media (speech) transmission with Session Description Protocol SDP:

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© Aarenet Inc 2018

Version: 3.1     Author:  Aarenet     Date: August 2017