Help for Telephony and vPBX Features

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Note The features and/or parameters listed in this article may not be available from your telephone service provider.

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The telephone user and vPBX administrator and installer can find here links to further information on the operation of telephony and vPBX features via the web browser based GUI.
The list of features is divided into:

* The telephone features for all telephone users
* The vPBX features for the operation and configuration of a vPBX by the vPBX administrator or installer


These feature documentations are also directly accessible in the AdminCenter Web pages via the AdminCenter Question Mark icon.

  • The user, vPBX Administrators and Installers must have an AdminCenter account and know its access data for configuring the features.
  • It is possible that not all described features are available on your telephony switch or vPBX! Check with your provider or vPBX administrator which features are available!

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Operation and Configuration of the vPBX Features

These features are available to the entire vPBX and are operated by the vPBX administrator or vPBX installer!

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Help on the Public vPBX Telephone Numbers and the Direct Dialing In (DDI)

nav Go to the help on the Public vPBX Telephone Numbers and the Direct Dialing In (DDI) ...

Here all public telephone numbers of the vPBX are listed.

For incoming calls from the public telephone network, the extension can be determined toward internal telephone numbers (Direct Dialing In DDI).

For outbound connections to the public telephone network the displayed telephone number (CLIP, CLIR) can be configured.


Only the provider's VoIP System administrator/operator can create new or delete public telephone numbers for this vPBX.

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Help to Manage the Extensions

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Here all vPBX internal telephone numbers can be managed.

The vPBX administrator can:

  • Create and delete internal telephone numbers
  • Edit the subscriber account of the internal telephone number
  • Check the registration status of the VoIP terminals

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Help About the General vPBX Features

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Here the general vPBX features can be managed and activated/deactivated:

  • Defining the identity of the subscriber, e.g. which public vPBX telephone number shall be used as CLIP or if all outbound calls to the PSTN shall be anonymous
  • Defining the maximal number of concurrent internal and external connections
  • Defining the music on hold
  • Manual switching of inbound call routing according normal/night/weekend distribution
  • Defining IP subnet or a SIP profile which contains a list allowed IP subnets where VoIP devices are allowed to register to this user account
  • Defining a SIP profile which contains a list allowed IP subnets where SIP devices are allowed to register to this vPBX

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Help for the VPBX Administrator Account Access

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Here the AdminCenter Login of the vPBX administrator is managed and configured:

  • User name and password
  • Language used the AdminCenter GUI
  • Email address where instructions can be send for recovering the login if the current login credential are lost or forgotten
  • Define if the password has to be renewed upon the first access by the user
  • Deblock a blocked account
  • Defining from which IP subnet a user is allowed to access its AdminCenter account
  • Defining an Access Profile which contains a list allowed IP subnets where IP subnet a user is allowed to access its AdminCenter account

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Help for Call Charge Monitoring and Limiting (TopStop)

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The feature "Monitoring and Limiting Call Charges (TopStop)" supervises the incurred fees of all outbound chargeable connections and block further connections if a definable limit is reached:

  • Configurable charge limit per month and / or day
  • Information by email if a defined level of monthly charge has been reached
  • Alert by email when a charge limit of the month or day has been reached

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Help to the Central vPBX Phone Book

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For the vPBX a central directory "phonebook" is available, which can be queried and used directly by suitable telephones.

For each entry, an alias "short" number can be defined, which can be dialed by any telephone.

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Help on the Add-Ons for the vPBX

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The vPBX can be supplemented with equipment from other manufacturers. Such additional equipment is managed as an extension of the vPBX and is functionally integrated into the vPBX.

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Help for the vPBX Call List

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In the call list all connections and call attempts to and from the vPBX are listed.

Filter, sort and search functions are available.

Connection data can be exported.

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Operation and Configuration of the Telephone Features

These features are available to each telephony user and can be operated and configured by them. A vPBX administrator is also enabled to do these settings for all extensions of the vPBX.

  • The user, vPBX Administrators and Installers must have an AdminCenter account and know its access data for configuring the features.
  • It is possible that not all described features are available on your telephony switch or vPBX! Check with your provider or vPBX administrator which features are available!

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Help for the General Telephone features

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Here several features and supplementary services of the subscriber can be configured and/or activated/deactivated:

  • Defining the identity of the subscriber, for example, which public telephone number (CLIP) shall be displayed or if an anonymous (CLIR) call shall be placed.
  • Display of the SIP Login Credentials
  • Defining the language to be used in standard announcements or in the AdminCenter Web GUI
  • Defining the behavior of the call waiting CW if the user is busy with another call
  • Defining a vPBX department for the telephone number
  • Defining the location for emergency calls
  • Defining IP subnet(s) or a SIP Profile which contains a list allowed IP subnets where VoIP devices are allowed to register to this user account
  • Defining whether the user has an account at the "UCC WebRTC Conference Service" .
  • Defining whether conversations are to be recorded and the audio file sent to a predefined email address

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Help for the VoiceMail Box and Fax Service "Fax-to-Email"

nav Go to the help for the VoiceMail Box and fax service "Fax-to-Email" ...

Here the VoiceMail Box VM and Fax service "Fax-to-Email" for the telephone number of the user is configured:

  • Activate the VoiceMail Box
  • Define that an access without PIN shall be possible
  • Display if the VoiceMail Box is blocked and deblocking
  • Display if the VoiceMail Box is full
  • Define, if an email with attached message shall be send
  • Define of the "Fax-to-Email" is activated
  • Create an own personal greeting

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Help to Manage the Messages on the VoiceMail Box

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All existing messages on the VoiceMail Box are listened to here. The messages can be listened, stored or deleted.

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Help for the Management of Conferences

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Conferences allow multiple users to participate in the same conversation. Using the AdminCenter, conferences are organized and the participants invited. The participants must connect to the conference portal at the appropriate time and join the conference.

There are different conference types available:

  • Organized audio conference:
The conference participants take part in a conference via telephone connection to the conference portal of the telephone exchange.
  • Ad-hoc audio conference:
The conference organizer initiate an ad-hoc audio conference with the *#-procedure "Service 71".
  • "UCC WebRTC" conference:
The conference participants take part in a conference via the Internet and the "UCC WebRTC" conference portal. The "UCC WebRTC" conference provides a web browser-based conference portal with encrypted audio and video conferences, slideshow presentations, document sharing, desktop sharing, etc. Conference participants without Internet access can also participate in a "UCC WebRTC" conference. However, these conference participants are limited to the audio part of a conference.

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Help for the User Account Access

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Here the AdminCenter login for the subscriber is managed and configured:

  • User name and password
  • Email address where instructions can be send for recovering the login if the current login credential are lost or forgotten
  • Define if the password has to be renewed upon the first access by the user
  • Deblock a blocked account
  • Defining from which IP subnet a user is allowed to access its AdminCenter account
  • Defining an Access Profile which contains a list allowed IP subnets where IP subnet a user is allowed to access its AdminCenter account

In order that a user can use the AdminCenter the following information from the provider or vPBX administrator must be ready:

  1. A set up AdminCenter account with the necessary rights by the provider or vPBX administrator.
  2. The Internet address or FQDN of the AdminCenter, e.g.:
  3. The username
  4. The password

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Help to Manage the Users's Telephones

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The user can select predefined VoIP devices to be operated on this telephone number. There is a list of various VoIP telephones, DECT systems and VoIP gateway (for connecting a fax machine). The advantage for the user is that the VoIP devices from this list can be configured directly out of the AdminCenter.

The user can:

  • Define several VoIP devices at its telephone line.
  • Create a configuration and load it to the VoIP device.
  • Check the registration status of the VoIP device.

The user can configure certain features on the telephone's programmable keys:

  • Line keys
  • Team key, extension key, busy display of other subscriber on the vPBX
  • Direct dialing of a telephone number or a *#-code
  • etc.
→ The availability of features depends on the type of telephone used!

The user finds information how to proceed when misuse or fraud is done with its telephone line.

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Help to Redirect or Reject Calls

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Incoming calls can be forwarded for according different conditions, e.g. the called is busy already, to any telephone number, to the personal VoiceMail Box or an announcement:

  • Call forwarding unconditional CFU
  • Call forwarding when the called subscriber is busy CFB
  • Call forwarding when the called subscriber doesn’t reply CFNR
  • Call forwarding due to a missing registration (Call Forward Fallback CFF)
  • Call Forking CFO to a second telephone number

Incoming calls may be rejected when the called subscriber:

  • Temporarily want to be disturbed by the phone (Do not Disturb DND).
  • Will not accept anonymous calls (Anonymous Call Reject ACR).

According to the situation the caller will hear an informative message.

Call forwards and call rejects can be activated or deactivated via the AdminCenter or #*-stimulus procedures on the keypad of the user's telephone.

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Help for Call Distribution

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Call distributions are used to allow incoming calls to be forwarded to telephones or other destinations. The flexible configuration options allow to implement group calls, ring calls, etc.. Different call routing schemes can be configured for different day times and/or weekdays.

As destinations can be configured:

The call distribution can be controlled in time:

  • Time delayed
  • Only at certain times of the day
  • Only on certain weekdays

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Help for Announcements and Caller Interactions IVR

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Announcements and its Interactive Voice Response IVR features extends the call distributions with the possibility of:

  • To play a courtesy welcome text
  • To play an announcement with instructions for the caller how to proceed.
  • Provide waiting music
  • Periodically repeat an announcement text
  • Expecting interactions with the user for more specific call forwarding:
  • Start a call to any type telephone number
  • Forward to a next announcement
  • etc.

Specific actions can be taken, when a user is not providing any input, a destination is not responding or is not reachable:

  • Start a call to any type telephone number
  • Forward to a next announcement
  • Restart the announcement
  • Terminate the call
  • Wait until free

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Help for Dialing Rules

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The user can select from a list of prepared dialing rules. The dialing rules are being prepared by the provider or vPBX administrator and made available for the user.

Dialing rules can provide functions like:

  • Block destination numbers, for example, all international calls with prefix 00
  • Rewrite destination numbers, for example, supplement with certain prefixes or reduced by a number of digits
  • Reject incoming calls from certain regions
  • etc

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Help for Blacklisting of Calling Telephone Numbers

nav Go to the help Help for blacklistung of calling numbers ...

The blacklist allows the user to define telephone numbers where no calls are allowed from.

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Help for the Users's Call List

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In the call list all connections and call attempts to and from the user are listed.

Filter and sort functions are available.

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© Aarenet Inc 2018

Version: 3.0     Author:  Aarenet     Date: May 2017