Das AdminCenter-Account für den Teilnehmer

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Here the AdminCenter login for the subscriber is managed and configured:

  • User name and password
  • Email address where instructions can be send for recovering the login if the current login credential are lost or forgotten
  • Define if the password has to be renewed upon the first access by the user
  • Deblock a blocked account
  • Defining from which IP subnet a user is allowed to access its AdminCenter account
  • Defining an Access Profile which contains a list allowed IP subnets where IP subnet a user is allowed to access its AdminCenter account

In order that a user can use the AdminCenter the following information from the provider or vPBX administrator must be ready:

  1. A set up AdminCenter account with the necessary rights by the provider or vPBX administrator.
  2. The Internet address or FQDN of the AdminCenter, e.g.:
  3. The username
  4. The password

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Access and Use of the AdminCenter Account

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Starting a Session with the AdminCenter

The AdminCenter can be operated from any Web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari. By entering the web address or FQDN of the Admin Center is connected, for example:


Then the username and password must be entered in the AdminCenter login window.

The AdminCenter provides two different GUI interfaces. One is suitable for PC, the other for mobile devices such as smartphone. During the registration the AdminCenter decides, which GUI is the better choice for the calling device.

If the automatically selected GUI is not desired or is unsuitable or does not respond, then the desired GUI can be accessed with the following additions to the URL:

  • URL suitable for PC:
  • URL suitable for Mobile:

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Operating the AdminCenter Account

The operation of the GUI follows generally accepted practice and is not a challenge.

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Ending a Session with the AdminCenter

A AdminCenter session will be ended:

  • Automatically:
  • after ca. 30 min if no interaction with the Web browser occur
  • Manually:
  • PC GUI : Click the Button [ Logout ]
  • Mobile GUI : Close the Web browser App

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Edit the Access Data

The username and password are configured by the provider or vPBX administrator while setting up the AdminCenter account. These login credentials can always be changed by them.

The following configurations may be made by the subscriber:

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Procedure in Case of Loss of the Login Credentials

If login details are lost then the following procedures are possible for regaining the access:

  • If a email address was configured then click in the AdminCenter login window the link "Forgotten username or password?". Then instructions will be sent to this email address to enable the access again.
  • The provider or vPBX administrator may set the login data again

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Renew the Password Upon First Access

It can be defined if the user has to renew the password upon the first AdminCenter access.

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Deblock an AdminCenter Account

If an AdminCenter account is blocked then this is displayed with a selected box. By clicking the button [ Deblock ] it can be deblocked.

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Limitation of the IP Subnet for the AdminCenter Access

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Limitation of the IP Subnet for the Access

With this feature it is possible to define an IP subnet where the user is allowed to access this AdminCenter account.

The IP subnet is defined with the parameter "Network" ,
Example: / 24

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Limitation of the IP Subnets with an Access Profile

With this feature it is possible to define a set of IP subnets where the user is allowed to access this AdminCenter account.

The provider prepares the available "Access Profiles" . Check with the provider which IP subnets are associated with an access profile.

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Where to Configure this Feature

As vPBX administrator:

nav Register "Telefonanlage"
nav Register "Teilnehmer xx"
nav Register "Einstellungen"
nav Register "Web"

As user:

nav Register "Einstellungen"
nav Register "Web"

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Parameter Configuration

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Parameter: Username

Description: Defines the AdminCenter account username for the subscriber.

This parameter can be configured only by the provider and vPBX Administrator.

Configuration: Configuration String:
  • Any string
Default: Definition by the provider or vPBX Administrator
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Parameter: Password

Description: Defines the AdminCenter account password for the subscriber.

This parameter is accessible for the provider and vPBX Administrator.


Follow the instructions on secure passwords!

Configuration: Configuration String:
  • Any string
Default: Definition by provider or vPBX Administrator
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Parameter: New Password

Description: At a change of the password insert here the new password!

Follow the instructions on secure passwords!

Configuration: Configuration String:
  • Any string
Default: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Parameter: Confirm new password

Description: At a change of the password confirm the new password!
Configuration: Configuration String:
  • Any string
Default: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Parameter: Current password

Description: At a change of the password insert here the currently valid password!
Configuration: Configuration String:
  • Any string
Default: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Parameter: Renew Password

Description: Defines that the user has to renew its password upon the first login.
Configuration: Selection Button: box on Activated - box off Not activated
Default: Not activated
Version: AdminCenter V6.2

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Parameter: Email

Description: Defines the email address to which information will be sent how to reactivate the access to the AdminCenter account.
Configuration: Email Address

Configuration String:

  • None : No email notification
  • Email address
Default: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Parameter: Network

Description: Defines from which IP subnet an user is allowed to access this AdminCenter account. The network is defined by the starting IP address and its subnet mask.

Example: / 24
Configuration: Configuration String:
  • None : No IP address checking
  • IP address / Subnet Mask Bit
Default: None
Version: AdminCenter V6.0

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Parameter: Access Profile

Description: Defines an Access Profile which contains a list of IP subnets where an user is allowed to access this AdminCenter account.

Check with the provider which IP subnets are associated with an access profile.

Configuration: Selection Menu:
- (None)
List of prepared Access Profiles
Default: None
Version: AdminCenter V6.0

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© Aarenet Inc 2018

Version: 3.0     Author:  Aarenet     Date: July 2017