Call Charge Monitoring and Limiting (TopStop)

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The feature "Monitoring and Limiting Call Charges (TopStop)" supervises the incurred fees of all outbound chargeable connections and block further connections if a definable limit is reached:

  • Configurable charge limit per month and / or day
  • Information by email if a defined level of monthly charge has been reached
  • Alert by email when a charge limit of the month or day has been reached

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Call Charge Monitoring and Limiting

The feature “Monitoring and Limiting Call Charges (TopStop)" allows the surveillance of the accumulated call charges. A defined limitation prevents the uncontrolled overflow of charges in case of, e.g.:

  • limited budget
  • misuse of telephone numbers or connected VoIP devices (fraud)

This feature can be set per month and / or day.

The Call charge monitoring for a given period (day, month) is as follows characterized:

  • All fees for outgoing calls since the beginning of the period are summed
  • At the beginning of a new period, the value is automatically set to 0.00
  • If the charge limit is reached, an ongoing connection automatically disconnected. New chargeable outbound connections are not possible.


Emergency calls are still possible after the exceeding of a charge limit!

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Monthly Call Charge Monitoring and Limiting and Alarming

There can be set up one maximum charge limit (TopStop) per month. For a vPBX the charge limit applies to all connected subscribers. The charge limit can be increased or decreased at any time. If the limit of the current month is reached and outgoing chargeable calls are blocked then increase the limit and new calls are immediately possible again.

If an alarm email address is configured then this feature informs about of the following events:

  • The definable alarm threshold has been reached (probably the charge limit will be reached soon)
  • The limit is reached and therefore outgoing chargeable calls are blocked.

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Daily Call Charge Monitoring and Limiting and Alarming

If the “Daily TopStop” is activated and a daily maximum charge limit defined then charges are supervised on a daily basis. The behavior is equal to the monthly basis.

If an alarm email address is configured then this feature informs about the following events:

  • The limit is reached and therefore outgoing chargeable calls are blocked.

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Preventing Misuse (Fraud)

The feature "Monitoring and Limiting Call Charges (TopStop)" is highly suitable to avoid high cost in case of misuse (fraud)!

Misuse can result by:

  • the SIP Credentials of the public or internal vPBX telephone numbers were not kept secret.
  • VoIP telephones or VoIP devices were hacked. These devices are very vulnerable when connected directly to the Internet!


Experience shows that if a limit is already exceeded at the beginning of the period, a misuse may have taken place or is in progress. An accurate control of the connection details CDR in the ”vPBX Call List” or “Subscriber Call List” is recommended!

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Where to Configure this Feature

As vPBX administrator:

nav Tab "PBX"
nav Tab "TopStop"

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Parameter Configuration

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Paramètre: Current value

Description: Displays the total accrued fees since the beginning of the month.
Valeur par défaut:
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Paramètre: Remaining amount

Description: Displays the remaining amount available until the end of the current month.
Valeur par défaut:
Version: AdminCenter V5.9

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Paramètre: Max. value

Description: Defines the maximum value of the monthly limit.

The monthly limit is accumulated from the beginning of the month. At month change the value is automatically set to 0.00.

Configuration: Texte de configuration:
  • None : No charge limit (no charge monitoring)
  • > 0.00 : Maximum fee
Valeur par défaut: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Paramètre: Alarmlevel

Description: Defines as a percentage of the maximum value when an email is to be sent to the specified email address.
Configuration: Menu à choix:
Selection in steps of 10%
Valeur par défaut: 90%
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Paramètre: Alarm email

Description: Defines the email address to which a notification is sent when
  • the alarm level (only on the monthly monitoring)
  • the max. value

is reached.

Configuration: Texte de configuration:
  • Email Address
Valeur par défaut: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Paramètre: Daily TopStop

Description: Defines whether a daily charge limit has to be monitored.
Configuration: Bouton de sélection: box on Activé - box off Non activé
Valeur par défaut: Not activated
Version: AdminCenter V5.9

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Paramètre: Daily max. value

Description: Defines the maximum value of the daily limit.

The daily limit is accumulated from the beginning of the day. At day change the value is automatically set to 0.00.

Configuration: Texte de configuration:
  • None : No charge limit (no charge monitoring)
  • > 0.00 : Maximum fee
Valeur par défaut: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.9

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Paramètre: Daily current value

Description: Displays the total accrued fees since the beginning of the day.
Valeur par défaut:
Version: AdminCenter V5.9

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Paramètre: Daily remaining amount

Description: Displays the remaining amount available until the end of the current day.
Valeur par défaut:
Version: AdminCenter V5.9

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© Aarenet Inc 2018

Version: 3.0     Author:  Aarenet     Date: July 2017