The vPBX Phonebook

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For the vPBX a central directory "phonebook" is available, which can be queried and used directly by suitable telephones.

For each entry, an alias "short" number can be defined, which can be dialed by any telephone.

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Usage of the Central vPBX Phonebook

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Usage by Supported VoIP Telephones

By the vPBX supported VoIP telephones can access the central vPBX phonebook (directory). This requires that the VoIP telephone supports the access to the vPBX phonebook.


How the vPBX Phonebook is invoked, displayed and used by a supported VoIP telephone must be checked in its user manual!

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Usage of the Alias "Short" Number by all Telephones

For each directory entry, an alias "short" number can be defined. This "short" number can be dialed by any telephone of the vPBX.

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Where to Configure this Feature

As vPBX administrator:

nav Tab "PBX"
nav Tab "Phonebook"

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Configuration of Entries in the vPBX Phonebook

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Creating, Modifying and Deleting a Phonebook Entry

Add a new vPBX phonebook entry:

  1. Click the Bouton [ + Add … ].
  2. A dialog pops up where the following parameters can be configured:
  3. Click the Bouton [ Save ]


It must be made sure with the aid of the vPBX numbering plan that a short number is not identical with another telephone number, like:

  • another internal telephone number of the vPBX
  • a public emergency telephone number, e.g. 110, 112
  • Special public value added telephone numbers, e.g. number information, weather, etc.

Modify a vPBX phonebook entry:

  1. Click the row of the desired conference room
  2. Modify the desired parameter
  3. Click the Bouton [ Save ]

Delete a vPBX phonebook entry:

  1. Click the icon AdminCenter Waste Basket at the end of the row of the to delete phonebook entry.

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Edit the Central vPBX Phonebook Externaly

The vPBX phonebook can be exported and edited on a PC with MS Excel:

  1. Click the Bouton [ Export … ] and follow the instructions of the Web browser for saving the file on the PC. The name of the exported file will be:

After editing the phonebook file it can be imported again:

  1. Click the Bouton [ Import … ]
  2. In the popping up dialog "Phonebook Import" click the Bouton [ + Select File … ] and follow the instructions of the Web browser for the selecting the edited phonebook file
  3. Click the Bouton [ Save ]

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Parameter Configuration

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Paramètre: Short Number

Description: Defines the short number of a telephone book entry. This short number can be dialed instead of the configured number.


It must be made sure with the aid of the vPBX numbering plan that a short number is not identical with another telephone number, like:

  • another internal telephone number of the vPBX
  • a public emergency telephone number, e.g. 110, 112
  • Special public value added telephone numbers, e.g. number information, weather, etc.

Configuration: Texte de configuration:
  • Number
Valeur par défaut: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.8

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Paramètre: Name

Description: Defines a name of the phone number.

At vPBX internal connections this name can be displayed on the telephone display of the called party.

Configuration: Texte de configuration:
  • Random string
Valeur par défaut: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Paramètre: Number

Description: Defines the telephone number that has to be dialed


For numbers outside the vPBX the break out prefix 0 must be used.

Configuration: Texte de configuration:
  • Telephone number
Valeur par défaut: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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© Aarenet Inc 2018

Version: 3.0     Author:  Aarenet     Date: July 2017