Using Telephony Features via the Telephone Keypad

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Note The features and/or parameters listed in this article may not be available from your telephone service provider.

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By using *#-Stimulus procedures, the user can activate/deactivate or execute different features directly via the keypad of its telephone:

  • Call Forwarding
  • Call Rejecting
  • Display own Telephone Number (CLIP, CLIR)
  • Predetermined Conference
  • Check last Connections
  • Check own Telephone Number
  • Call Pickup
  • Call Recording
  • Switch Out of Call Distributions
  • Recording of Announcements
  • vPBX Call Distribution Normal/Night/Weekend
  • Login/Logout from CTI Routing

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Application of the *#-Stimulus Procedures by the User

With the input of *#-stimulus procedures on the keyboard of its telephone, the user can activate or deactivate different features The *#-stimulus procedures are built up as followed:

  *# <*#-CODE> (*) <PARAMETER_1> * <PARAMETER_2>...(#)

  1. *#-Procedure Start:
    *  : Activate Feature
    #  : Deactivate Feature
    *#  : Status Query of the Feature
  2. <*#-CODE> :
    Digit-Code of the Feature
  3. (*) :
    Optional *, to separate the digit code from the parameters.
  4. <PARAMETER_x>:
    None, one or more parameter, e.g. the call forwarding number
  5. * :
    Mandatory *, to separate the parameter.
  6. (#) :
    Optional #, to finish the input. Just type the # in.

The *#-Stimulus procedure will executed during the dialing phase:

  1. Pickup Earphone
  2. *#-Stimulus procedure according the manual
  3. Control by the acknowledging speech text, if the wished action from the feature took place (Doesn’t take place on every feature)

If possible the activation/deactivation will be acknowledged by a speech text. It’s also possible to edit or delete the settings in the AdminCenter.


For the stimulus procedures to work it must be ensured that neither the phone itself nor a possibly upstream PBX or CPE interprets or filters this *#-code!


It is possible that the provider of this VoIP system uses other *#-codes. In this case, contact your system provider for the appropriate *#-codes.

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Call Forwarding

Call Forward Unconditional CFU

If activated, this call forwarding will be executed all the time!

The feature is described on page "Call forwarding" .

Service 21 & 28 Call Forward Unconditional CFU: *#-Code: Remark:
Activate: *21(*)<FORWARD> <FORWARD> is the telephone number which is forwarded to.
Call forward to the VoiceMail Box: *28
Deactivate: #21
Status Query: *#21

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Call Forward if No Reply CFNR

If activated, this call forwarding will be carried out if the user doesn’t accept the connection after 14 seconds (About three times ringing).

The feature is described on page " Call forwarding " .

Service 61 & 68 Call Forward if No Reply CFNR: *#-Code: Remark:
Activate: *61(*)<FORWARD> <FORWARD> is the telephone number which is forwarded to.

The delay time cannot be configured and is approximately 14 seconds (this corresponds to 3 ring cycles).

Call forward to the VoiceMail Box: *68
Deactivate: #61
Status Query: *#61

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Call Forwarding if Busy CFB

If activated, this call forwarding will be carried out if the user is busy.

The feature is described on page " Call forwarding " .

Service 67 & 691 Call Forwarding if Busy CFB: *#-Code: Remark:
Activate: *67(*)<FORWARD> <FORWARD> is the telephone number which is forwarded to.
Call forward to the VoiceMail Box: *691
Deactivate: #67
Status Query: *#67

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Call Forward Fallback CFF

If activated, this call forwarding will be carried out when no device is registered for the telephone number.

The feature is described on page " Call forwarding " .

The following conditions activate this type of call forwarding:

  • The Internet access doesn't work:
DSL-, FTTH-Modem broken or not connected correctly.
  • The local IP network isn’t working
Local router, WiFi, Firewall etc. broken or not connected correctly.
  • VoIPdevice isn’t working
SIP CPE or cable modem (Docsis MGCP modem) broken or not connected correctly.
  • The PBX or telephone isn’t working
The PBX or telephone broken or not connected correctly.

Service 22 & 692 Call forward if not registered, Call Forward Fallback CFF: *#-Code: Remark:
Activate: *22(*)<FORWARD> <FORWARD> is the telephone number which is forwarded to.
Call forward to the VoiceMail Box: *692
Deactivate: #22
Status Query: *#22

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Call Forking CFO

If activated, the call forking calls additionally the second telephone number.

The feature is described on page " Call forwarding " .

Service 481 Call Forking CFO: *#-Code: Remark:
Activate: *481(*)<PARALLEL> <PARALLEL> is the telephone number that the call shall forwarded additionally.
Deactivate: #481
Status Query: *#481

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Check or Delete All Active Call Forwards


"*00" deletes also an active Call Forward Fallback CFF, which was activated with a *#-stimulus procedure!

Service 00 Check or Delete all active Call Forwards: *#-Code: Remark:
Delete: *00 *00 deletes all call forwards, that were activated with a *#-stimulus procedure!
Status Query: *#00 With *#00 can be checked if one or more call forwards where activated with *#-procedures

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Call Reject

Do not Disturb DND

If this feature is activated, the calling site is going to hear a text that the called site doesn’t want to be disturbed.

The feature is described on page "Reject Calls" .

Service 26 Do not Disturb DND: *#-Code: Remark:
Activate: *26
Deactivate: #26
Status Query: *#26

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Anonymous Call Reject ACR

If this feature is activated, the calling site is going to hear a text that the called site doesn’t accept calls when the calling calls anonymously.

The feature is described on page " Reject Calls " .

Service 99 Anonymous Call Reject ACR: *#-Code: Remark:
Activate: *99
Deactivate: #99
Status Query: *#99

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Show or Hide the Own Telephone Number

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Show or Hide the Own Telephone Number One Time

Service 31 Show or hide the own number for the next call: *#-Code: Remark:
The own number will be suppressed for the next call (CLIR): *31(*)<TARGETNUMBER> This action won’t be linked with a speech text.
The own number will be shown (CLIP): #31(*)<TARGETNUMBER > This action won’t be linked with a speech text

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Show or Hide the Own Telephone Number Always

Service 32 Suppress own number permanently: *#-Code: Remark:
Activate: *32
Deactivate: #32
Status Query: *#32

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Telephone Conference

Predefined 3 Party Conference

A predefined conference is initiated by service 71. The activation starts with *71 and is followed by the number (except the own number) of each participant.

Example of a conference activation:


The feature is described on page "Conferences" .

Service 71 Predetermined Conference: *#-Code: Remark:
3 party conference setup: *71*<NUMBER_1>
This action won’t be linked with a speech text

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Connect to the Conference Portal


This feature only works, if a conference portal is available on the VOIP System.

The feature is described on page "Conferences" .

Service 72 Conference Portal: *#-Code: Remark:
Connection setup to the conference portal: *72 Follow the given instructions after connected.

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Call Pick Up

With the feature "Call pick up" the user can accept a call which is not ringing on his telephone.


This feature doesn’t work with all SIP Devices.

Service 76 Call pick up: *#-Code: Remark:
Call pick up: *76(*)<NUMBER>(#) <NUMBER> is the telephone number of the telephone that rings

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Call Recording

With the feature "Call Recording" the user can start a speech recording of its own running connection until the recording is stopped or the call is finished.


This feature must be activated on the VoIP switch and an email address of the user must be configured via the AdminCenter.

Service 001 Call recording: *#-Code: Remark:
Start the call recording: ##1 Press ##1 during the connection
Stop the call recording: ##2 Press ##2 during the connection or hook on the phone

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Query of Connection Information

Query the Last Accepted Incoming Call and Call Back

Service 12 & 16 Calling up the last call arrived: *#-Code: Remark:
The number of the last incoming call: *16 It doesn’t matter if the call was accepted or not
Callback to the number of the last incoming call: *12

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Query the Last Executed Outgoing Call and Call Back

Service 11 & 15 Query of the last connected call: *#-Code: Remark:
Query of the last dialed number: *15 It doesn’t matter if the call was accepted or not.
Callback to the number that has been called last: *11

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Query the Telephone Number of this Telephone Line

Service 14 Query the number of this connection: *#-Code: Remark:
Query the number of this connection: *14

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Switch Out of Call Distributions

If a user is configured as a destination in a call distribution, he can suspend the distribution temporarily.


A supporter with the vPBX internal number "30" doesn’t want answer support calls temporarily. The supporter is member of the vPBX intern Support Distribution "11".
The supporter dials from his telephone "30":

Service 49 Turn on or off call distribution: *#-Code: Remark:
Temporarily turn off this number in the call distribution: *49(*)<NUMBER_DIST> <NUMBER_DIST>:
Telephone number of the dist. group
Turn on this number in the call distribution: #49(*)<NUMBER_DIST>
Temporarily turn off this number in all distribution groups: *49
Turn on this number in all distribution groups: #49

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Call the Own VoiceMail Box

Service 86 Direct call to the personal VoiceMail Box: *#-Code: Remark:
Connect from the telephone directly to the personal VoiceMail Box: *86 Follow the given instructions after connected

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Recording of Announcements

Own speech texts can be recorded via the own telephone. These texts can be used later for own call distributions

The feature is described on page " Language portal for announcements and caller interactions IVR" .

Service 88 Record a personal announcement: *#-Code: Remark:
Connects from the own telephone directly to the speech portal for recording of the announcement.: *88(*)<ANNOUNCEMENT_ID> Follow the given instructions after connected

<ANNOUNCEMENT_ID> is shown in the AdminCenter, see site "Speech portal for announcements and caller interactions IVR" .

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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vPBX Call Distribution Normal/Day/Weekend

These *#-codes change the behavior of the "Call distribution" of a vPBX"

Service 980 Call distribution normal/night/weekend: *#-Code: Remark:
Activate the "Normal" call distribution: *980 Activated weekend call distributions are deactivated prematurely.
Activate the "Night" call distribution: *981
Activate the "Weekend" call distribution: *982

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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Login / Logout from CTI Routing


An external CTI controller must be available for this *#-code to be available.

Service 27 Login/Logout of the telephone number to/from a CTI Controller.
*#-Code: Remark:
Login: *27
Logout: #27
Status Query: *#27

The provider may have defined another *#-code for this service. Check at your provider for the valid *#-code!

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© Aarenet Inc 2018

Version: 3.1     Author:  Aarenet     Date: November 2019