Manage the Internal vPBX Telephone Numbers

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Note The features and/or parameters listed in this article may not be available from your telephone service provider.

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Here all vPBX internal telephone numbers can be managed.

The vPBX administrator can:

  • Create and delete internal telephone numbers
  • Edit the subscriber account of the internal telephone number
  • Check the registration status of the VoIP terminals

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Manage the vPBX Internal Telephone Numbers

Contrary to the public vPBX telephone numbers the vPBX administrator can manage the internal vPBX phone numbers freely. He can create, edit and delete internal vPBX new phone numbers. A limitation of the number of internal vPBX telephone numbers can be specified by the provider, however.


When an internal vPBX telephone number will be deleted then the private data of the subscriber will be gone, e.g. messages of the personal voicemail box, announcements, etc.

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Create a Numbering Plan for the vPBX

It is recommended that for the vPBX a numbering plan is prepared. The numbering plan outlines the planned/available internal vPBX phone numbers. Ideally, it also describes the direct dialing in from the public to the internal vPBX telephone numbers. Based on the prepared numbering plan the internal vPBX telephone numbers will be generated.

Example of a vPBX numbering plan:

File:Admincenter vpbx numberingplan e10.gif
Example of a vPBX numbering plan

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Generating Internal Telephone Numbers

The internal vPBX phone numbers of this numbering plan can be created as described in the chapter "Configuration" below.

For the above numbering plan example the internal vPBX telephone numbers are generated with the following input parameters "Create new Number"


Best Practice

An internal vPBX telephone number and its prepared and checked account configuration serve as a "Template" for new vPBX subscribers!

For this purpose, first an internal vPBX telephone number must be created with a complete and checked configuration of its subscriber account.

At the generation of further internal vPBX telephone numbers this "template number" can used in parameter "Template" . The "template number" subscriber account configurations are copied as far as useful to the new subscriber account.

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Generate Direct Dialing In DDI

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Automatic Creation of Direct Dialing In

When new internal vPBX telephone number is created the vPBX tries to create a direct dialing in from a public vPBX phone number to this new internal vPBX telephone number. For doing so the vPBX analyses if the digits of this new internal vPBX telephone number match (from the right) with a public vPBX telephone number.

In the above example this will succeed with the following internal vPBX telephone numbers:

public 012 34567 10intern 10
public 012 34567 11intern 11
public 012 34567 21intern 21
public 012 34567 22intern 22
public 012 34567 23intern 23
public 012 34567 24intern 24

A direct dialing in can be changed at any time. This proceeding is described on page "The Public vPBX Telephone Numbers and Direct Dialing In DDI" .

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Manual Creation of Direct Dialing In

The configuration of a direct dialing in can be done manually at any time. This proceeding is described on page "The Public vPBX Telephone Numbers and Direct Dialing In DDI" .

From the above example, the following direct dialing in has to be done manually:

public 012 34567 77intern 30

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Overview of the Registered SIP Devices

The column "Registration" in the list of the internal vPBX phone numbers shows if SIP device are registered. A green dot indicates that at least one SIP device has registered itself to the internal vPBX number.

The details of a registration can be examined via the following navigation:

nav Tab "Subscriber xx"
nav Tab "Settings"
nav Tab "Phones"
nav Click button [ State … ]

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Where to Configure this Feature

As vPBX administrator:

nav Tab "Intern"

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Creating, Modifying and Deleting Internal Telephone Numbers

Setting up a new internal vPBX telephone number:

  1. Insert one or more new telephone numbers in the input box beside the Button [ + Create new Number ].
    • Single number: 30
    • Several single numbers: 30,41,52
    • Number range: 60-65
    • Combination: 30,41,52,60-65,70,800-850
  2. In parameter "Template" an internal telephone number can be selected whose subscriber account configuration is copied as far it is appropriate.
  3. Click Button [ + Create new Number ]
    In the popping up dialogue, the newly to create telephone numbers can be checked and by clicking Button [ Yes ] these new internal vPBX telephone numbers and their associated subscriber accounts will be generated.
  4. For saving the configurations click the Button [ Save ]

Modify an existing an internal telephone number:

  1. Click the row of the desired internal telephone number.
    The AdminCenter GUI changes automatically to the tab "Subscriber xx" (xx stands for the internal telephone number). The vPBX administrator can then make all the settings for this internal subscriber account.
  2. For saving the configurations click the Button [ Save ]

Delete an internal telephone number:

  1. Click the icon AdminCenter Waste Basket at the end of the row of the desired internal telephone number.


When deleting an internal vPBX telephone number then all its associated data will be gone:

  • Internal vPBX subscriber account
  • All messages of the voicemail box
  • Call forwarding and distributions
  • Announcements and IVR
  • Connection and key configurations of VoIP device
  • etc.


  • The configurations within the VoIP device will not be deleted!

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Parameter Configuration

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Parameter: Create new Number

Description: Defines one or more internal telephone numbers to be generated. The associated internal subscriber account will also be created.

Examples of input options:

  • Single number: 30
  • Several single numbers: 30,41,52
  • Number range: 60-65
  • Combination: 30,41,52,60-65,70,800-850
Configuration: Button [ + Create new Number ]

Configuration String:

  • Comma separated list of one or more phone numbers and/or number ranges
Default: None
Version: AdminCenter V5.7

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Parameter: Template

Description: Defines the subscriber account configuration of an existing internal vPBX phone number as the basis for new internal phone number.

At the generation of new internal telephone numbers the default configuration is copied as far it is appropriate.

Configuration: Selection Menu:
List of all available internal telephone numbers
Default: Default
Version: AdminCenter V5.9

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© Aarenet Inc 2018

Version: 3.0     Author:  Aarenet     Date: July 2017