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{{DISPLAYTITLE: Hilfe für Telefonbenutzer und vPBX Administratoren }}
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<!-- Page Overview Start -----------------------------------------------------------------><section begin=intro />
<!-- Page Overview Start -----------------------------------------------------------------><section begin=intro />
The Aarenet VoIP Switch Administrator, Operator and 3rd party CRM programmer find here:
Der Telefoniebenutzer und vPBX Administrator und Installateur findet hier Links zu weiterführenden Informationen zu:
:* How to access the DataAccessCenter
:* Den verfügbaren *#-Prozeduren via die Telefontastatur zur Bedienung von Leistungsmermalen, z.B. unbedingte Weiterleitung CFU: <tt>*21<TEL_NUM></tt>
:* The description of the Data Access Markup Language DAML protocol
:* Den Leistungmerkmalen für alle Telefoniebenutzer
:* Den vPBX Leistungmerkmalen, welche den vPBX Administrator oder Installateur interessieren
{{#ifeq: {{An_Wiki_Site}} | test_wiki |
:* Benutzermanuals
:* Benutzerinformationen für die System VoIP Telefonapplikationen:
::* "an IP-Phone" : Smartphone App für iOS und Android Operation Systeme
::* "an Web-Phone" : Web Browser basierteTelefonapplikation für alle Operation Systeme
::* "an Soft-Phone" : Telefonapplikation für MS Windows Operation System
:* Support Information
<!-- Page Overview End  -------------------------------------------------------------------><section end=intro />
<!-- Page Overview End  -------------------------------------------------------------------><section end=intro />
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{{ToTop | OperationDamlOverview }} <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------->
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
= Overview of the DataAccessCenter {{Help_Status |  | &nbsp }} =
= Benutzerhandbücher =
The DataAccessCenter offers a HTTP/HTTPS based interface which allows 3rd-party applications to access the operational data of the Aarenet VoIP Switch. Therefore it is predestined for the configuration of the Aarenet VoIP Switch via a CRM system of the provider.
The DataAccessCenter offers with the DAML interface (Data Access Markup Language DAML) an API and protocol to configure operational data of the Aarenet VoIP Switch.
The following features distinguish the DataAccessCenter:
:* The DAML interface allows the configuration of all customer parameters of the VoIP Switch.
:* The DAML documents are exchanged with the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
:* The access is protected by a HTTP-Authentication.
:* The interface supports XML-based data (version XML 1.0).
:* The XLS transformation XSLT is supported for checks and formalizing.
:* For the immediate use DAML-Formats are prepared for managing of account, phone numbers and other often used features.
:* Customized DAML-Formats can be created when required.
DAML allows to configure the following operative parameters:
:* "Account":
:*: For the creation and treatment of customers account
:* "Address"
:*: For the creation and treatment of public and internal phone numbers in customer accounts and vPBX
:* etc.
DAML allows queries of the configured parameters or other data:
:* Account:
:*: Query of all account names
:* Connection list:
:*: Query of the CDR of the last N connections of a phone number
:* etc.
The DAML protocol bases on XML formatted documents [http://www.w3schools.com/xml/ (Introduction to XML)]:
:* The basic rules of the XML standards are valid, version XML 1.0
:* The order of the XML elements is free
:* If XML elements are not provided during the creation of an instance, the default value of the Aarenet VoIP Switch is considered.
The DAML protocol can be customized with XLST script. Possibilities are:
:* Make the interface stable
:* Define defaults
:* Do some rough checks
With XLST a XML document can be converted into another XML document. With the DAML interface it is possible to treat incoming XML documents, e.g. from a CRM application, with defined XLST commands, before they are processed as DAM-documents. Vice versa outgoing XML documents can be reworked with defined XLST commands and the result sent to the CRM application.
XLST conversions must be developed and checked in corporation with the Aarenet engineering.}}
{{ToTop | OperationDamlHowto}}
= How To Start with the DataAccessCenter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} =
{{ToTop | OperationDamlHowtoGetInTouch}}
<div id="OperationDamlHowtoScriptResidential"></div>
<div id="OperationDamlHowtoScriptSipTrunk"></div>
<div id="OperationDamlHowtoScriptvPBX"></div>
== Get in Touch with DAML {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
# Get an DataAccessCenter account on:
#:* Test Aarenet VoIP Switch
#:* Pre-productive Aarenet VoIP Switch
# Get IP access to the DataAccessCenter of this Aarenet VoIP Switch
# Download the executable DAML Test Scripts:
#: {{File_Download_Link | daml_residential_scripts_v10.zip | zip | "Download DAML Test Scripts for a Residential User" }}
#: {{File_Download_Link | daml_siptrunk_scripts_v10.zip    | zip | "Download DAML Test Scripts for a SIP Trunk" }}
#: {{File_Download_Link | daml_vpbx_scripts_v10.zip        | zip | "Download DAML Test Scripts for a vPBX" }}
# Play around with the DAML Test Scripts for getting a feeling how it works
# Do configuration in the ConfigCenter and read it out with DAML
{{ToTop | OperationDamlHowtoCrmImplementation}}
== CRM Implementation {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
# Implement the DataAccessCenter access and [[ #OperationDamlExchangeDigest | HTTP-Digest Authentication ]]
# For a starter implement [[ #OperationDamlExchangeHttpGet | HTTP-Get for a query ]]
#:* Basic read
#:* Queries for, e.g.:
#:** Ruleset
# Implement the basic [[ #OperationDamlExchangeHttpPost | HTTP-Post data exchange for "write, "read", "delete" ]]
# Implement the [[ #OperationDamlAcc | "Account Treating" ]]:
#:* Basic create, read, delete
#:* Parameter add, modify, delete for:
#:** account
#:** tenant
#:** info
#:** SIP credentials
#:** etc.
# Implement the [[ #OperationDamlAddr | "Address Treating" ]]:
#:* Basic create, read, delete
#:* Parameter add, modify, delete for:
#:** number
#:** etc.
# Implement the basic [[ #OperationDamlExchangeHttpGet | HTTP-Get data exchange for data queries ]]:
#:* Queries for:
#:** Ruleset
#:** etc.
{{ToTop | OperationDamlHowtoBestPractices}}
== Best Practices with DAML Parameters {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
{{ToTop | OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam}}
== Not Documented DAML Parameter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
The DAML interface development evolves continuously. This documentation may lag behind the development of features and parameters
If upon a DAML read out such a DAML parameter is discovered and its naming points to a feature of interest then:
# Login into the ConfigCenter
# Search for a matching parameter name and study its possible configurations
# Modify this possibly matching parameter
# Make e new read out via DAML and compare it with the first read out. See if it matches your expectataions.
If this process is not successfull then contact the [[ support_contact_voip_switch_supplier | "VoIP Switch Supplier Support"]]
{{ToTop | OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam}}
== Usage of Diverse DAML Parameter {Help_Status | | Preliminary }} ==
:* Use for the "Account Name" the CRM "Customer ID"
:* Write in the "Account Info" information that a supporter helps to find a customer, without consulting the CRM for its ID
{{ToTop | OperationDamlOverviewProvisioningDac}}
= Provisioning the DataAccessCenter for CRM Application Access {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} =
To grant an external CRM application access to the operational data via DataAccessCenter the following configuration at DataAccessCenter component level must be set up:
# '''HTTP / HTTPS- Authorization-Credentials:'''
#: Defines the username and password the CRM application has to use for accessing the DataAccessCenter
# '''Group-based Authorization:'''
#: Defines to which groups the CRM application has access.
# '''Authorization for the use of to DAML-Documents and DAML-Queries:'''
#: Defines which DAML-Documents and DAML-Queries the CRM application is allowed to use. It is possible to specifiy the rights to "create", "read", "write", "delete".
# XLTS files to be used for interpretation and formatting:
#: Defines, whether the configuration data must be pre and/or reworked by means of XLST conversions.
{{Note |
The configuration of the DataAccessCenter component has to be accomplished in close collaboration between the provider and the Aarenet project manager.}}
Define User:<br>
:* <tt>defineUser  <USERNAME>  "<PASSWORD>"
Define Date/Time Format:<br>
:* <tt>dateTimeFormat "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss"</tt>
Define priorities for call forward CF configured via DataAccessCenter:<br>
:* <tt>cfu.priority    10</tt>
:* <tt>cfb.priority    10</tt>
:* <tt>cfnr.priority    10</tt>
:* <tt>cfo.priority    10</tt>
:* <tt>cff.priority    20</tt>
Granted Access to information:<br>
:* <tt> grantAccessToAccounts                <USERNAME>  read/write</tt>
:* <tt> grantAccessToRulesets                <USERNAME>  read</tt>
:* <tt> grantAccessToAdmin                  <USERNAME>  read/write</tt>
:* <tt> grantAccessToDevice                  <USERNAME>  read/write</tt>
:* <tt> grantAccessToGroup                  <USERNAME>  read/write</tt>
:* <tt> grantAccessToMessages                <USERNAME>  read/write</tt>
:* <tt> grantAccessToMessageExport          <USERNAME>  mc1 dfs://${DA1}:7107/home/crm/messages</tt>
:* <tt> grantAccessToMessageImport          <USERNAME>  mc1 dfs://${DA1}:7107/home/crm/messages</tt>
:* <tt> grantAccessToLawfullInterception    <USERNAME>  read/write </tt>
defineQueryCallList user calllist /home/dataaccesscenter/conf/dataaccesscenter_calllist.xsl
{{ToTop | OperationDamlOverviewIpAccessDac}}
= Access via IP Network to the DataAccessCenter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} =
For the DataAccessCenter the URL must have the following form:
'''DAML Access:'''
:: <tt>https://</nowiki><IP_ADDRESS>:8447/dataaccesscenter</tt>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlExchange}}
= DAML-Document Exchange via HTTP/HTTPS  {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} =
{{ToTop | OperationDamlExchangeDigest}}
== HTTP DIGEST Authentication {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
Prior the transfer of DAML-documents a CRM application has to apply the HTTP-Digest authentication in order to get access to the DataAccessCenter interface.
{{ToTop | OperationDamlExchangeHttpPost}}
== HTTP POST Data Exchange  {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
The CRM application must transmit its instructions with a HTTP-POST-Request toward the DataAccessCenter. By the use of the directive POST big data volumes can be transmitted in the HTTP body. Moreover, they are not visible within the URL.
The CRM must transfer with HTTP POST a DAML-document with the following directives:
:* The given data will be written. This directive creates or modifies instances.
:* The given data will be read and delivered.
:* The given data will be deleted.
'''DAML-Document Example:'''
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"read"'''>
:. . .
{{ToTop | OperationDamlExchangeHttpGet}}
== HTTP GET Data Exchange  {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
DAMl Queries permit the queries of data which cannot be determined with usual DAML-Directives, e.g. connections list.
DAML-Queries are executed with HTTP GET Requests.
For the DataAccessCenter the URL must have the following form:
'''DAML-Query Example:'''
:: <tt>https://</nowiki><IP_ADDRESS>:8447/dataaccesscenter/daml&#63;query&#61;'''DAML_QUERY_NAME'''</tt>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlExchangeHttpResponse}}
== HTTP RESPONSE (Execution and Error Codes) {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
After the data were successfully transmitted and treated, the response code <tt>"200 OK"</tt> is returned.
{{Note |
<tt>"200 OK"</tt> means that the request could be treated by the DataAccessCenter but '''not''' that the outcome is correct.
For example:
:* Unknown XML fields are ignored and not reported with an error code
:* A read request for an account with a wrong written account name will return a <tt>"200 OK"</tt> with an empty response
:* A write request to an account with a wrong written account name will return a <tt>"200 OK"</tt> but the expected account was not modified but a new account with the wrong written name was created with just the modified parameter configuration in it.
:* A query without correct query directive will return a <tt>"200 OK"</tt> with an empty response.
In the case of an error a code <tt>"4xx <ERROR_DESCRIPTION>"</tt> or <tt>"5xx <ERROR_DESCRIPTION>"</tt> is returned, e.g., <tt>"500 Internal Server Error"</tt>.
If the cause of the problem is not deductive from the error message, the error situation can be examined from the information in the log file of the component DataAccessCenter.
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAcc}}
= DAML-Document "Account" for Treating Customer Accounts  {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} =
This DAML-document allows the treatment of accounts, its features and parameters:
:* [[ #OperationDamlAccCreate | Create an account ]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAccDelete | Delete an account ]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAccRead  | Read an account ]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAccWriteModify | Modify parameters or features of an existing account ]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAccWriteAdd    | Add parameters or features to an existing account ]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAccWriteDelete | Delete parameters or features of an existing account ]]
The SIP addresses (phone numbers) which are associated with the account are treated with the [[ #OperationDamlAddr | DAML-Document for Treating "Address"]].
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccXMLContainer}}
== DAML XML-Container for "Account" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
All XML fields are listed in the account container:
:* The XML field '''<tt><account></tt>''' defines the XLS account container
:* Mandatory is the XML field '''<tt><accountName></tt>''' which identifies the account unambiguously.
:* The order of the XML fields is arbitrary
'''Account-Container for "Account":'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
: <account>
::< accountName>'''ACC_NAME'''</accountName>
:: . . .
:: <featureN>
::: <parameterN>'''PARAMETER_N'''</parameterN>
::: . . .
:: </featureN>
:::. . .
:: <parameterA>'''PARAMETER_A'''</parameterA>
:: . . .
: </account>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccTreat}}
== DAML-Document for Create, Delete, Read and Write an "Account" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccCreate}}
=== Create an "Account" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
By creating an account all its features and parameters may be configured too.
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
:: . . .
::: . . .
:::. . .
:: . . .
'''Examples see:'''<br>
:* [[ #OperationDamlExampleCreateAccResidential | Create a "Residential Account" with 1 Public Number ]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlExampleCreateAccCommercial  | Create a "SIP Trunk" Account with 100 Public Numbers for ISDN PBX behind SIP CPE ]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlExampleCreateAccVpbx        | Create a vPBX Account with 5 Public Numbers ]]
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccDelete}}
=== Delete an "Account" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
By deleting an account all its:
:* Feature and parameter configurations will be deleted too
:* Associated addresses and their configurations will be deleted too
'''DAML-Document Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"delete"'''><br>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccRead}}
=== Read an "Account" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
By reading an account all its:
:* Feature and parameter configurations will be read
'''DAML-Document Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"read"'''><br>
:: <accountName>'''an-acc-0021'''</accountName>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccWrite}}
=== Modify, Add or Delete an Account's Parameter or Feature {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
By writing to an existing account its parameters can be:
:* Modified
:* Added
:* Deleted
{{Note | type=warning |
Make sure that you write the account name and/or XML names correctly. Else the result may be unpredictable even when the response is <tt>200 OK</tt>!
For details see chapter [[ #OperationDamlExchangeHttpResponse | "HTTP RESPONSE" ]] }}
<div id=" OperationDamlAccWriteModify "></div>
By re-writing an account's parameter its configuration will be changed:
:* The feature and/or parameter configurations will be modified
:* Special modifying procedures are required for:
::* [[ #OperationDamlAccParamRuleset    | "Ruleset" ]]
::* [[ #OperationDamlAccParamAccTopStop | "TopStop" ]]
<div id="OperationDamlAccWriteAdd"></div>
By adding a parameter its configuration will be created:
:* The feature and/or parameter configurations will be created
<div id="OperationDamlAccWriteDelete"></div>
By writing an "empty" value to a parameter:
:* The feature and/or parameter will be deleted
:* Special deleting procedures are required for:
::* [[ #OperationDamlAccParamRuleset    | "Ruleset" ]]
::* [[ #OperationDamlAccParamAccTopStop | "TopStop" ]]
''' DAML-Document Example "Modify a parameter":'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
: <account>
:: <accountName>'''an-acc-0021'''</accountName>
:: <info>Test Account: Tel 012 345 67 89, '''invalidated 1.1.2016'''</info>
: </account>
''' DAML-Document Example "Add a parameter":'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
: <account>
:: <accountName>'''an-acc-0021'''</accountName>
:: '''<validUntil>2016-01-01T09:30:00</validUntil>'''
: </account>
''' DAML-Document Example "Delete a parameter ":'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
: <account>
:: <accountName>'''an-acc-0021'''</accountName>
<nowiki><!-- Variant 1: --></nowiki>
:: '''<parameterA></parameterA>'''
<nowiki><!-- Variant 2: --></nowiki>
:: '''<parameter/>'''
: </account>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccParam}}
== "Account" Parameter Configuration {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccParamAccBasic}}
=== "Account" Basic Parameter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
'''[[ #OperationDamlOverviewProvisioningDac | DAML Authorization ]] needed for:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | | grantAccessToAccounts <USERNAME> read/write }}
'''List of Parameters:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | |
:  <account>
:: . . .
:: <accountName>ACC_NAME</accountName>
:: <info>ACC_INFO</info>
:: <tenant>ACC_TENANT</tenant>
:: . . .
:: <username>ACC_SIP_USERNAME</username>
:: <password>ACC_SIP_PASSWORD</password>
:: <maxChannels>ACC_CHANNEL</maxChannels>
:: <emergencyLocation>ACC_LOCATION</emergencyLocation>
:: . . .
: </account>
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
|link= OperationDamlAccParamAccountName
|line= 1
|xml= accountName
|name= ACC_NAME
|format= String
|range= max. 32 characters
|default= none
<font color=#b8597c>'''Mandatory configuration!'''</font><br>
Assigns the unambiguous name of the account
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTenant
|line= 2
|xml= tenant
|format= String
|range= max. 128 characters
|default= none
Assigns the tenant of the account
<font color=#b8597c>'''Note:'''</font><br>
The tenant must be already created in the system of the VoIP Switch!
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamInfo
|line= 3
|xml= info
|name= ACC_INFO
|format= String
|range= max. 128 characters
|default= none
Any information
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamUsername
|line= 4
|xml= username
|format= String
|range= max. 32 characters
|default= none
<font color=#b8597c>'''Mandatory configuration!'''</font><br>
Assigns the unambiguous SIP user name of the account
<font color=#b8597c>'''Note:'''</font><br>
Without SIP username no SIP CPE can register to a telephone number (SIP address) of this account!
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamPassword
|line= 5
|xml= password
|format= String
|range= max. 32 characters
|default= none
<font color=#b8597c>'''Mandatory configuration!'''</font><br>
Assigns the SIP password of the account
<font color=#b8597c>'''Note:'''</font><br>
Without SIP password no SIP CPE can register to a telephone number (SIP address) of this account!
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamMaxChannels
|line= 6
|xml= maxChannels
|format= String
|range= Empty<br>
number >=0
|default= empty
Determines how many concurrent connections are possible for this account.
Value Range:
:* empty: No limitations
:* 0    : no channels &rarr; no incoming and outgoing connections are possible
:* >=1  : Exact number of possible channels
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamEmergencyLocation
|line= 7
|xml= emergencyLocation
|format= String
|range= empty or defined emergency location; max. 64 characters
|default= empty
Assigns one Emergency Location to the account.
Value Range:
:* empty:
:: The system-wide default emergency location is used
:* Location Name:
:: The location must be already configured in the emergency call configuration of this Aarenet VoIP Switch!
The available locations can be requested with [[ #OperationDamlQueryEmergencyLocation | DAML-Query: "List of all Emergency Locations" ]]
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccParamAccRouting}}
=== "Account" Routing Parameter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
'''[[ #OperationDamlOverviewProvisioningDac | DAML Authorization ]] needed for:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | | grantAccessToAccounts <USERNAME> read/write }}
'''List of Parameters:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | |
: <account>
:: . . .
:: <routingTable>ACC_ROUTING_TABLE</routingTable>
:: <ruleset>ACC_RULESET</ruleset>
:: . . .
: <account>
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
|link= OperationDamlAccParamRoutingTable
|line= 1
|xml= routingTable
|format= String
|range= empty or defined Routing Table Name; max. 45 characters
|default= empty
Assigns one Routing Table to the account
Value Range:
:* empty:
:: Only OnNet connections are possible
:* Routing Table Name:
:: The routing table name must be already configured in the routing configuration of this Aarenet VoIP Switch!
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamRuleset
|line= 2
|xml= ruleset
|format= String
|range= defined Ruleset Name; max. 128 characters
|default= none
Assigns none or n Rulesets to the account
Value Range:
:* none:
:: No Ruleset are used
:* Ruleset Name:
:: The Ruleset name must be already configured in the routing configuration of this Aarenet VoIP Switch!
|version= 5.2
{{Note |
'''Remarks for modifying or deleting of Ruleset:'''<br>
# If a Ruleset Name has to be modified/deleted then all configured Ruleset’s of this account must be deleted first, e.g.:
#:<tt><daml command&#61;"write"></tt>
#:: <tt><account></tt>
#::: <tt><accountName>SIP_TRUNK_DAML</accountName></tt>
#:: <tt></account></tt>
# Then all needed Ruleset have to be rewritten again, e.g.:
#:<tt><daml command&#61;"write"></tt>
#:: <tt><account></tt>
#::: <tt><accountName>SIP_TRUNK_DAML</accountName></tt>
#:::: <tt><ruleset>Subscriber</ruleset></tt>
#:::: <tt><ruleset>Block : All Outgoing 090* Calls</ruleset></tt>
#:::: <tt><ruleset>Signal : 3 Digit Signaling</ruleset></tt>
#:: <tt></account></tt>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccParamAccRating}}
=== "Account" Rating Parameter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
'''[[ #OperationDamlOverviewProvisioningDac | DAML Authorization ]] needed for:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | | grantAccessToAccounts <USERNAME> read/write }}
'''List of Parameters:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | |
: <account>
:: . . .
:: <pricelist>ACC_PRICELIST</pricelist>
:: <sendAoc>ACC_AOC</sendAoc>
:: . . .
: <account>
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
|link= OperationDamlAccParamPricelist
|line= 1
|xml= pricelist
|format= String
|range= empty or defined Pricelist Name; max. 32 characters
|default= empty
A configured Pricelist Name
Value Range:
:* empty:
:: No AOC, TopStop or Call Rating is possible if no price list is assigned to the account
:* Pricelist Name:
:: The pricelist must be already configured in the rating configuration of this Aarenet VoIP Switch!
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamSendAoc
|line= 2
|xml= sendAoc
|name= ACC_AOC
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Activate sending advice of charge AOC to all addresses of the account.
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccParamAccTopStop}}
=== "Account" TopStop Parameter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
'''[[ #OperationDamlOverviewProvisioningDac | DAML Authorization ]] needed for:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | | grantAccessToAccounts <USERNAME> read/write }}
'''List of Parameters:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | |
: <account>
:: . . .
::: <sysAccountTopStop>
:::: <type>TOPSTOP_OWNER</type>
:::: &nbsp;
:::: <valueMax>TOPSTOP_MAX</valueMax>
:::: <monthlyReset>TOPSTOP_RESET</monthlyReset>
:::: <alarmLevel>TOPSTOP_ALARM_LEVEL</alarmLevel>
:::: &nbsp;
:::: <dailyMax>TOPSTOP_DAILY_MAX</dailyMax>
:::: <dailyReset>TOPSTOP_DAILY_RESET</dailyReset>
:::: &nbsp;
:::: <alarmEmail>TOPSTOP_EMAIL</alarmEmail>
:::: <blockAlarmSent>TOPSTOP_EMAIL_SENT</blockAlarmSent>
:::: &nbsp;
:::: <valueCurrent>TOPSTOP_CURRENT_VALUE</valueCurrent>
:::: &nbsp;
:::: <dailyCurrent>TOPSTOP_CURRENT_DAILY_VALUE</dailyCurrent>
:::: <dailyCurrent mode&#61;"TOPSTOP_CURRENT_DAILY_UPDATE_MODE">TOPSTOP_DAILY_VALUE_UPDATE</dailyCurrent>::: </sysAccountTopStop>
:: . . .
: </account>
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopType
|line= 1
|xml= type
|format= String
:* SYS
:* ACC
:* ADD
|default= SYS
Assigns with which user role a TopStop was created. This defines also for which role the TopStop is visible.
: The TopStop was created by a system administrator. It is visible only for the role system administrator.
: The TopStop was created by an account operator. It is visible for the roles system administrator and account operator.
: The TopStop was created by a subscriber. It is visible for the roles system administrator, account operator and subscriber.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopValueMax
|line= 2
|xml= valueMax
|format= Number
value >= 0.00
|default= Empty
Assigns the charging limit per month for the account. It may not be exceeded by the charging sum of all connections of this account.
: No charging limit is supervised
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopMonthlyReset
|line= 3
|xml= monthlyReset
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= true
Assigns if the monthly maximum limit is reset at the starting of a new month.
If set to "false" the maximum limit can be interpreted as prepaid charge.
|version= 5.9
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopAlarmLevel
|line= 4
|xml= alarmLevel
|format= Number
value = 0.0 – 1.0
|default= Empty
Assigns at with percentage of the monthly maximum limit a warning email is generated; e.g. 70%:
: <tt>150.00 * 0.7 = 105.00</tt>
: No near limit is monitored.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopDailyMax
|line= 5
|xml= dailyMax
|format= Number
Empty <br>
or <br>
value >= 0.00
|default= Empty
Assigns the charging limit per day for the account. It may not be exceeded by the charging sum of all connections of this account.
: No charging limit is supervised
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopDailyReset
|line= 6
|xml= dailyReset
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= true
Assigns if the daily maximum limit is reset at the starting of a new day.
If set to "false" the maximum limit can be interpreted as prepaid charge.
|version= 5.9
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopEmail
|line= 7
|xml= alarmEmail
|format= String
Empty <br>
or <br>
Email Address, max. 64 characters
|default= Empty
Assigns the email address which is informed when the:
:* the monthly near limit level is reached
:* the daily or monthly charging limits is reached
: No email will be sent.
Email address:
: At overrun of the level and the charging limit an email is sent.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopBlockAlarmSent
|line= 8
|xml= blockAlarmSent
|format= String
|range= Selection:
* true
* false
|default= false
<font color=#b8597c>'''Read Only!'''</font><br>
Indicates that an email was sent when the daily or monthly charging limit was reached.
|version= 5.9
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopValueCurrent
|line= 9
|xml= valueCurrent
|format= Number
|range= >= 0.00
<font color=#b8597c>'''Read Only!'''</font><br>
Current total charges since resetting the charging limit.
|version= 5.9
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopValueCurrentMode
|line= 10
|format= String
|range= Selection:
* force
* update
To modify current value in <tt><valueCurrent></tt> the <tt>"mode"</tt> attribute is required
* force:
::* This forces the counter to be set to the given value.
::: The current value is lost, the daily-max may be exceeded.
* update:
::* No value may be specified as it is recalculated from rating-database.
::: &rarr; This might slow down the provisioning!
<small><tt><valueCurrent mode="force">10.00<valueCurrent/></tt></small>
<small><tt><valueCurrent mode="update"/></tt></small>
|version= 5.9
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopValueCurrentModeValue
|line= 11
|format= Number
value >= 0.00
Assigns the new value for the <tt>"mode=force"</tt>
<small><tt><valueCurrent mode="force">10.00<valueCurrent/></tt></small>
|version= 5.9
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopDailyValueCurrent
|line= 12
|xml= dailyCurrent
|format= Number
|range= >= 0.00
<font color=#b8597c>'''Read Only!'''</font><br>
Current total charges since resetting the charging limit.
|version= 5.9
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopValueDailyMode
|line= 13
|format= String
|range= Selection:
* force
* update
To modify current daily value in <tt><dailyCurrent></tt> the <tt>"mode"</tt> attribute is required
* force:
::* This forces the counter to be set to the given value.
::: The current value is lost, the daily-max may be exceeded.
* update:
::* No value may be specified as it is recalculated from rating-database.
::: &rarr; This might slow down the provisioning!
<small><tt><dailyCurrent mode="force">10.00<dailyCurrent/></tt></small>
<small><tt><dailyCurrent mode="update"/></tt></small>
|version= 5.9
|link= OperationDamlAccParamTopStopValueDailyModeValue
|line= 14
|format= Number
value >= 0.00
Assigns the new value for the <tt>"mode=force"</tt>
<small><tt><dailyCurrent mode="force">10.00<dailyCurrent/></tt></small>
|version= 5.9
{{Note |
'''Remarks for modifying or deleting of TopStop:'''<br>
# If a TopStop has to be modified/deleted then all configured TopStop of this account must be deleted first, e.g.:
#:<tt><daml command&#61;"write"></tt>
#:: <tt><account></tt>
#::: <tt><accountName>SIP_TRUNK_DAML</accountName></tt>
#:::: <tt><sysAccountTopStop/></tt>
#:: <tt></account></tt>
# Then all needed TopStop have to be rewritten again, e.g.:
#:<tt><daml command&#61;"write"></tt>
#:: <tt><account></tt>
#::: <tt><accountName>SIP_TRUNK_DAML</accountName></tt>
#::: <tt><sysAccountTopStop></tt>
#:::: <tt><type>SYS</type></tt>
#:::: <tt><valueMax>20.0</valueMax></tt>
#:::: <tt><alarmLevel>0.7</alarmLevel></tt>
#:::: <tt><monthlyReset>true</monthlyReset></tt>
#:::: <tt><alarmEmail>info@company.com</alarmEmail></tt>
#:::: <tt><valueCurrent mode&#61;"update"/></tt>
#::: <tt></sysAccountTopStop></tt>
#:: <tt></account></tt>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAccParamAcc}}
=== "Account" Advanced Parameter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
'''[[ #OperationDamlOverviewProvisioningDac | DAML Authorization ]] needed for:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | | grantAccessToAccounts <USERNAME> read/write }}
'''List of Parameters:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | |
: <account>
:: . . .
::: <validAfter>ACC_VALID_AFTER</validAfter>
::: <validUntil>ACC_VALID_UNTIL</validUntil>
::: &nbsp;
::: <specialArrangement>ACC_SPECIAL_ARRAGEMENT</specialArrangement>
::: <useMediaServer>ACC_USE_MEDIA_SERVER</useMediaServer>
::: <network/>
::: &nbsp;
::: <sendingHoldStream>ACC_HOLD_STREAM</sendingHoldStream>
::: &nbsp;
::: <alarmOnExpiry>ACC_ALARM_ON_EXPIRY</alarmOnExpiry>
::: <maliciousCallerId>ACC_MCID</maliciousCallerId>
:: . . .
: </account>
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
|link= OperationDamlAccParamValidAfter
|line= 1
|xml= validAfter
|format= String
|default= Empty
Date/time of the activation of the account (and its associated addresses)
: The account is active.
Account Valid From:
: The account is active beginning at Date/Time.
: The format conforms to the XML standard „xml-DateTime Data Type“:
: <tt>yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss</tt>
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamValidUntil
|line= 2
|xml= validUntil
|format= String
|default= Empty
Date/Time of the deactivation of the account (and its associated addresses)
: The account is active.
Account Valid Until:
: The account is deactivated beginning at Date/Time.
: The format conforms to the XML standard „xml-DateTime Data Type“:
: <tt>yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss</tt>
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamSpecialArrangement
|line= 3
|xml= specialArrangement
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
When "Special Arrangement" is enabled then the CLIP delivered by the SIP CPE is accepted by the Aarenet VoIP Switch. The feature is also known as "CLIP no Screening".
If it is not activated then the Aarenet VoIP Switch compares the delivered CLIP with the addresses of this account and replaces it with the best match. If there is no best no best then the main number is used as CLIP. If the account has no main number defined in then the Aarenet VoIP Switch rejects the connection setup.
<font color=#b8597c>'''Note:'''</font><br>
According to the juridical situation of a country this feature may not used or only restrictively!
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamUseMediaServer
|line= 4
|xml= useMediaServer
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamSendingHoldStream
|line= 5
|xml= sendingHoldStream
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamAlarmOnExpiry
|line= 6
|xml= alarmOnExpiry
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAccParamMaliciousCallerId
|line= 7
|xml= maliciousCallerId
|name= ACC_MCID
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddr}}
= DAML-Document for Treating "Address" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} =
This DAML-document allows the treatment of a SIP address (telephone number), its features and parameters:
:* [[ #OperationDamlAddrCreate | Create an address]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAddrDelete | Delete an address]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAddrRead  | Read an address]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAddrWriteModify | Modify parameters or features of an existing address]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAddrWriteAdd    | Add parameters or features to an existing address]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlAddrWriteDelete | Delete parameters or features of an existing address]]
The account which is associated with an address is treated with the [[ #OperationDamlAcc | DAML-Document for Treating "Account"]].
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrXMLContainer}}
== DAML XML-Container for "Address"                                              {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
All XML fields are listed in the address container:
:* The XML field '''<tt><address></tt>''' defines the XLS address container
:* Mandatory is the XML field '''<tt><number></tt>''' which identifies the address unambiguously.
:* Mandatory is the XML field is '''<tt><account></tt>''' which identifies the associated account unambiguously
:* The order of the XML fields is arbitrary
'''XLS Address-Container for "Address":'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
:: <account>'''ACC_NAME'''</account>
:: <number>'''ADDR_NUMBER'''</number>
:: . . .
:: <featureN>
::: <parameterN>'''PARAMETER_N'''</parameterN>
::: . . .
:: </featureN>
:::. . .
:: <parameterA>'''PARAMETER_A'''</parameterA>
:: . . .
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrTreat}}
== DAML-Document for Create, Delete, Read and Write an "Address" (Telephony Number) {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
Folgende Benutzerhandbücher stehen zum Download zur Verfügung:
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrCreate}}
:* {{File_Download_Link| manual_voip-switch_filial_subscriber_admincenter_d21.pdf      |pdf| "Das web-basierte AdminCenter für den Teilnehmer" }}
=== Create an "Address" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
By creating an address all its features and parameters may be configured too.
:* {{File_Download_Link| manual_voip-switch_filial_subscriber_vpbx_specials_d20.pdf    |pdf| "Anrufe als vPBX Teilnehmer tätigen" }}
:* {{File_Download_Link| manual_voip-switch_filial_subscriber_voicemailbox_d20.pdf    |pdf| "Der persönliche Anrufbeantworter" }}
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
: <address>
:: <accountName>'''ACC_NAME'''</accountName>
:: <number>'''ADDR_NUMBER'''</number>
:: . . .
:: <featureN>
::: <parameterN>'''PARAMETER_N'''</parameterN>
::: . . .
:: </featureN>
:::. . .
:: <parameterA>'''PARAMETER_A'''</parameterA>
:: . . .
: </address>
:* {{File_Download_Link| manual_voip-switch_filial_subscriber_analog_mgcp_mta_d20.pdf  |pdf| "In-Call Leistungsmerkmale für analoge Telefone an einem Cable-Modem" }}
'''Examples see:'''<br>
:* [[ #OperationDamlExampleCreateAccResidential | Create a "Residential Account" with 1 Public Number ]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlExampleCreateAccCommercial  | Create a "SIP Trunk" Account with 100 Public Numbers for ISDN PBX behind SIP CPE ]]
:* [[ #OperationDamlExampleCreateAccVpbx        | Create a vPBX Account with 5 Public Numbers ]]
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
= Hilfe für die Bedienung von Leistungsmerkmalen via die Telefontastatur =
{{Picture_Help_Link }}
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrDelete}}
[[ user_stimulus_procedures  | '''Gehe zur Hilfe für die verfügbaren *#-Prozeduren zur Bedienung von Telefonieleistungsmerkmalen via die Telefontastatur''' ]]
=== Delete an "Address" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
{{PAGE_INTRO_TRANSCLUDE | {{NAMESPACE}}:user_stimulus_procedures  }}
By deleting an address all its:
:* Feature and parameter configurations will be deleted too
:* Associated VoiceBox messages will be deleted too
'''DAML-Document Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"delete"'''><br>
: <address>
:: <accountName>'''an-acc-0021'''</accountName>
:: <number>'''0123456789'''</number>
: </address>
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
= Hilfe für die Bedienung von Leistungsmerkmalen via das Web Browser GUI =
{{Picture_Help_Link }}
[[ {{NAMESPACE}}:help_admincenter_feature_list#FeatureListSubscriber  | '''Gehe zur Hilfe für die Bedienung von Telefonieleistungsmerkmalen via Web Browser ...''' ]]
{{PAGE_INTRO_TRANSCLUDE | {{NAMESPACE}}:help_admincenter_feature_list }}
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrRead}}
=== Read an "Address" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
By reading an address all its:
:* Feature and parameter configurations will be read
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
= Hilfe für die Bedienung von vPBX Leistungsmerkmalen via das Web Browser GUI =
'''DAML-Document Example:'''<br>
{{Picture_Help_Link }}
{{ SW_Code | |
[[ {{NAMESPACE}}:help_admincenter_feature_list#FeatureListvPBX  | '''Gehe zur Hilfe für vPBX Administratoren und Installateure für die Konfiguration von  vPBX-Leistungsmerkmalen via Web Browser  ...''' ]]
<daml command&#61;'''"read"'''><br>
{{PAGE_INTRO_TRANSCLUDE | {{NAMESPACE}}:help_admincenter_feature_list }}
: <address>
:: <accountName>'''an-acc-0021'''</accountName>
:: <number>'''0123456789'''</number>
: </address>
{{#ifeq: {{An_Wiki_Site}} | test_wiki |
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrWrite}}
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
=== Modify, Add or Delete an Address's Parameter or Feature {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
= Dokumentation der VoIP Systemtelefone =
By writing to an existing address its parameters can be:
Folgende VoIP Systemtelefone stehen dem Teilnehmer zur Verfügung:
:* Modified
:* "an IP-Phone" : Smartphone App für iOS und Android Operation Systeme
:* Added
:* "an Web-Phone" : Web Browser basierteTelefonapplikation für alle Operation Systeme
:* Deleted
:* "an Soft-Phone" : Telefonapplikation für MS Windows Operation System
Diese VoIP Systemtelefone werden via das Web Browser basierte GUI angeschlossen und konfiguriert.
{{Note | type=warning |
Make sure that you write the account name, number and/or XML names correctly. Else the result may be unpredictable even when the response is <tt>200 OK</tt>!
For details see [[ #OperationDamlExchangeHttpResponse | HTTP RESPONSE ]] }}
<div id=" OperationDamlAddrWriteModify "></div>
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
== Hilfe für das "an IP-Phone" ==
By re-writing an account's parameter its configuration will be changed:
:* The feature and/or parameter configurations will be modified
{{Picture_Help_Link }}
[[ {{NAMESPACE}}:an_ipphone | '''Gehe zur Hilfe für das VoIP-Systemtelefon: "an IP-Phone" ...''' ]]
<div id="OperationDamlAddrWriteAdd"></div>
By adding a parameter its configuration will be created:
:* The feature and/or parameter configuration will be created
<div id="OperationDamlAccWriteDelete"></div>
By writing an "empty" value to a parameter:
:* the feature and/or parameter will be deleted
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
== Hilfe für das "an Web-Phone" ==
''' DAML-Document Example "Modify a parameter":'''<br>
{{Picture_Help_Link }}
{{ SW_Code | |
[[ {{NAMESPACE}}:an_webphone | '''Gehe zur Hilfe für VoIP-Systemtelefon: "an Web-Phone" ...''' ]]
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
: <account>
:: <accountName>'''an-acc-0021'''</accountName>
:: <number>'''0123456789'''</number>
:: '''<language>en</language>'''
: </account>
''' DAML-Document Example "Add a parameter":'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
: <account>
:: <accountName>'''an-acc-0021'''</accountName>
:: <number>'''0123456789'''</number>
:: '''<validUntil>2016-01-01T09:30:00</validUntil>'''
: </account>
''' DAML-Document Example "Delete a parameter ":'''<br>
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
{{ SW_Code | |
== Hilfe für das "an Soft-Phone" ==
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
: <address>
:: <accountName>'''an-acc-0021'''</accountName>
<nowiki><!-- Variant 1: --></nowiki>
:: '''<validUntil></validUntil>'''
<nowiki><!-- Variant 2: --></nowiki>
:: '''<validUntil/>'''
: </address>
{{Picture_Help_Link }}
[[ {{NAMESPACE}}:an_softphone | '''Gehe zur Hilfe für das VoIP-Systemtelefon: "an Soft-Phone" ...''' ]]
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParam}}
== "Address" Parameter Configuration {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
= Support =
'''[[ #OperationDamlOverviewProvisioningDac | DAML Authorization ]] needed for:'''<br>
{{SW_Code | | grantAccessToAccounts <USERNAME> read/write }}
'''List of Parameters:'''<br>
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
{{SW_Code | |
== FAQ Frequent Asked Questions ==
: <address>
<nowiki><!-- SIP Address Main Parameterr --></nowiki>
:: <account>ADDR_ACC_NAME</account>
:: <number>ADDR_NUMBER</number>
:: <domain>ADDR_DOMAIN</domain>
:: <displayName>ADDR_DISPLAY</displayName>
:: &nbsp;
<nowiki><!-- SIP Address Registration Parameter --></nowiki>
:: <validAfter>ADDR_VALID_AFTER</validAfter>
:: <validUntil>ADDR_VALID_UNTIL</validUntil>
:: <portoutNumber>ADDR_PORTOUT_NUMBER</portoutNumber>
:: <registersViaMainNumber>ADDR_REG_VIA_MAIN</registersViaMainNumber>
:: <balancedRouting>ADDR_REG_BALANCED</balancedRouting>
:: &nbsp;
<nowiki><!-- Number Attributes & Directives --></nowiki>
:: <mainNumber>ADDR_MAIN_NUMB</mainNumber>
:: <privateNumber>ADDR_PRIVATE_NUMB</privateNumber>
:: <baseNumber>ADDR_BASE_NUMB</baseNumber>
:: <signalingOnly>ADDR_SIGNAL_ONLY</signalingOnly>
:: <singleLocation>ADDR_SINGLE_LOCATION</singleLocation>
:: <preferredNumber>ADDR_PREFERRED_NUMB</preferredNumber>
:: <disabled>ADDR_DISABLED</disabled>
:: <blocked>ADDR_BLOCKED</blocked>
:: &nbsp;
:: <queueLen>ADDR_QUEUE_LENGTH</queueLen>
:: <priorityCall>ADDR_PRIORITY_CALL</priorityCall>
:: &nbsp;
:: <endpointName>ADDR_ENPOINT_NAME</endpointName>
:: <mgcpProfile>ADDR_MGCP_PROfIL</mgcpProfile>
:: <msisdn>ADDR_FMC_1</msisdn>
:: <msisdn2>ADDR_FMC_2</msisdn2>
:: &nbsp;
<nowiki><!-- Feature: Outgoing Number Presentation --></nowiki>
:: <showClip>ADDR_CLIP_SHOW</showClip>
:: <hideClip>ADDR_CLIP_HIDE</hideClip>
:: <publicClip>ADDR_CLIP_PUBLIC</publicClip>
:: &nbsp;
<nowiki><!-- Feature: VoiceMail Box --></nowiki>
:: <messageBox>
::: <autoAuthentication>ADDR_VM_AUTO_AUTH</autoAuthentication>
::: <skipMessageMenu>ADDR_VM_SKIP_MESSAGE</skipMessageMenu>
::: <language>ADDR_VM_LANGUAGE</language>
::: <signalNewMessage>ADDR_VM_SIGNAL_NEW_MESSAGE</signalNewMessage>
::: <subscribedMwiOnly>ADDR_VM_SIGNAL_MWI_ONLY</subscribedMwiOnly>
::: <email>ADDR_VM_EMAIL</email>
::: <formatMp3>ADDR_VM_AUDIO_FORMAT</formatMp3>
::: <blocked>ADDR_VM_BLOCKED</blocked>
::: <faxOnly>ADDR_VM_FAX_ONLY</faxOnly>
::: <faxAutoDetect>ADDR_VM_FAX_VOICE_DETECT</faxAutoDetect>
:: </messageBox>
:: &nbsp;
<nowiki><!-- Feature: Call Forwarding --></nowiki>
:: <cfu>ADDR_CFU</cfu>
:: <cff>ADDR_CFF</cff>
:: <cfb>ADDR_CFB</cfb>
:: <cfnr>ADDR_CFNR</cfnr>
:: <cfo>ADDR_CFO</cfo>
:: <dnd>ADDR_DND</dnd>
:: <rrn>ADDR_RRN</rrn>
:: &nbsp;
<nowiki><!-- Feature: Diverse --></nowiki>
:: <language>ADDR_LANGUAGE</language>
:: <callWaiting>ADDR_MGCP_CALL_WAITING</callWaiting>
:: <callHold>ADDR_MGCP_CALL_HOLD</callHold>
:: <noOfferOnBusy>ADDR_CALL_NO_OFFER</noOfferOnBusy>
:: <autoRecord>ADDR_CALL_RECORD_AUTOMATIC</autoRecord>
:: <recordingEmail>ADDR_CALL_RECORD_EMAIL<recordingEmail>
:: &nbsp;
<nowiki><!-- Feature: vPBX --></nowiki>
:: <pbx>ADDR_GROUP_VPBX</pbx>
:: <groupMember>ADDR_GROUP_VPBX_MEMBER</groupMember>
:: <presenceGroup>ADDR_GROUP_PRESENCE</presenceGroup>
:: <monitorGroup>ADDR_GROUP_MONITOR</monitorGroup>
:: <messageGroup>ADDR_GROUP_MESSAGE</messageGroup>
:: &nbsp;
<nowiki><!-- Feature: AdminCenter Access --></nowiki>
:: <addressAdmin>
::: <username>ADDR_ADMIN_UN</username>
::: <password>ADDR_ADMIN_PW</password>
::: <language>ADDR_ADMIN_LANGUAGE</language>
::: <email>ADDR_ADMIN_EMAIL</email>
:: </addressAdmin>
: </address>
Von Benutzern häufig gestellte Fragen:
: {{Picture_Help_Link | size=20 }} [[{{NAMESPACE}}:support_faq | FAQ Frequent Asked Questions ]]
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParamSipAddrMain}}
=== "Address" SIP Address Main Parameter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
== Telefonieprobleme lösen ==
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamAccount
|line= 1
|xml= account
|format= String
|range= max. 32 characters
|default= Empty
<font color=#b8597c>'''Mandatory configuration!'''</font><br>
Assigns the unambiguous name of the account to which the telephone number belongs
Informationen wie ein Telefonbenutzer selber Probleme lösen kann:
|version= 5.2
: {{Picture_Help_Link | size=20 }} [[{{NAMESPACE}}:an_softphone#PageDiversionTroubleShooting | Probleme lösen für "an Soft-Phone" ]]
: {{Picture_Help_Link | size=20 }} [[{{NAMESPACE}}:an_ipphone#PageDiversionTroubleShooting  | Probleme lösen für "an IP-Phone" ]]
: {{Picture_Help_Link | size=20 }} [[{{NAMESPACE}}:support_trouble_shooting_sip_equipment    | Probleme lösen für VoIP Telefone und Geräte von Drittherstellern ]]
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamNumber
|line= 2
|xml= number
|format= Number
|range= max. 50 characters
|default= false
<font color=#b8597c>'''Mandatory configuration!'''</font><br>
Assigns an unambiguous telephone number
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamDomain
|line= 3
|xml= domain
|format= String
|range= max. 128 characters
|default= Empty
IP address or FQDN of the Aarenet VoIP Switch.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamDisplayName
|line= 4
|xml= displayName
|format= String
|range= max. 64 characters
|default= Empty
Displayed name information at the called party side.
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
== Best Practice ==
Vorgeschlagene Best Practices des Providers:
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParamSipAddrRegistration}}
: {{Picture_Help_Link | size=20 }} [[{{NAMESPACE}}:support_best_practice_vpbx | Best Practice für vPBX Konfigurationen ]]
=== "Address" SIP Address Registration Parameter {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamValidAfter
|line= 1
|xml= validAfter
|format= String
|range= Date/Time
Date/time of the activation of the telephony number (SIP address)
:* The number is active.
Address Valid From:<br>
:* The number becomes active starting at Date/Time.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamValidUntil
|line= 2
|xml= validUntil
|format= String
|range= Date/Time
Date/time of the '''deactivation''' of the telephony number (SIP address)
:* The number is active.
Address Valid Until:<br>
:* The number becomes inactive starting at Date/Time.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamPortoutNumber
|line= 3
|xml= portoutNumber
|format= String
Outpotzing Prefix, max. 50 characters
|default= Empty
Needed in Switzerland only!
When ADD_PORT_OUT_NUMBER is assigned and the number deactivated in ADD_VALID_UNTIL then the Aarenet VoIP Switch will redirect an incoming call toward this telephone number back into the PSTN.
{{ToTop}} <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
== Support Contacts ==
Information wie der Support des Providers erreicht werden kann
:* Outported Number : 0123456789
: {{Picture_Help_Link | size=20 }} [[{{NAMESPACE}}:support_contact_provider | Support-Kontakte des Providers ]]
:* NPRN new provider : 098000
:* Setting in ADD_PORT_OUT_NUMBER : 98000
:* The rewriting result will be: 0980000123456789
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamRegistersViaMainNumber
|line= 4
|xml= registersViaMainNumber
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that this telephone number is registered via the main number of this account.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamSingleLocation
|line= 5
|xml= singleLocation
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that only one SIP CPE can register to this telephone number.
|version= 5.10
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamBalancedRouting
|line= 6
|xml= balancedRouting
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that registering SIP CPEs can provide a balancing Q value directive.
The Aarenet VoIP Switch will routing incoming calls according the balancing directive toward the SIP CPEs.
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParamSipAddrAttributesDirectives}}
=== "Address" Number Attributes & Directives {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamMainNumber
|line= 1
|xml= mainNumber
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns this telephone number as the main number of this account.
'''&rarr; Per account only one main number is allowed!'''
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamPrivateNumber
|line= 2
|xml= privateNumber
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns this telephone number as the internal telephone number of this vPBX.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamBaseNumber
|line= 3
|xml= baseNumber
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
This number is the base number of this account. The base number serves as a search pattern to identify an open number space.
'''&rarr; Per account there can be only one base number!'''
: Base Number : 012345
::Regexp: 012345.*
Matches, e.g. the numbers:<br>
: 012345 0
: 012345 100
: 012345 99999
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamSignalingOnly
|line= 4
|xml= signalingOnly
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that this telephone number can be used only for outgoing connections.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamPreferredNumber
|line= 5
|xml= preferredNumber
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that this telephone number will always be used as CLIP for all outgoing calls from any telephone number of this account.
The number will be signaled as preferred. Either in the SIP Header "From-" or "P-Preferred".
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamDisabled
|line= 6
|xml= disabled
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that this telephone number is disabled for incoming and outgoing connections.
This number cannot be created a second time on this Aarenet VoIP Switch.
This feature can be used for the reservation of a telephone number.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamBlocked
|line= 7
|xml= blocked
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that this telephone number cannot used for outgoing connections.
Incoming connection to this telephone number are possible.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamQueueLen
|line= 8
|xml= queueLen
|format= Number
or <br>
value >= 0
|default= 0
Assigns how many concurrent incoming calls toward this internal vPBX telephone number can be offered at the same time.
The calling sides receive the alerting tone.
The call queue is used for presenting incoming calls by the monitor function (see below VPBX_MONITOR_GROUP).
If this this feature is working depends also from the implementation on the called SIP device!
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamPriorityCall
|line= 9
|xml= priorityCall
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that outgoing calls from this telephone number are handled with priority.
In extreme cases the Aarenet VoIP Switch terminates existing connections for routing a priority call toward the PSTN.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamEndpointName
|line= 10
|xml= endpointName
|format= String
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 6.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamMgcpProfile
|line= 11
|xml= mgcpProfile
|format= String
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamMsisdn
|line= 12
|xml= msisdn
|name= ADDR_FMC_1
'''Do not use!'''
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.10
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamMsisdn2
|line= 13
|xml= msisdn2
|name= ADDR_FMC_2
|format= String
'''Do not use!'''
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.10
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParamFeatureClip}}
=== "Address" Feature: Outgoing Number Presentation {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamShowClip
|line= 1
|xml= showClip
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
These two parameters ADDR_CLIP_SHOW and ADDR_CLIP_HIDE determine whether and how the CLIP of the calling side is modified by the Aarenet VoIP Switch.
'''ADD_SHOW_CLIP:''' <tt>false</tt>
'''ADD_HIDE_CLIP:''' <tt>false</tt>
: The CLIP will not be modified by the Aarenet VoIP Switch
'''ADD_SHOW_CLIP:''' <tt>true</tt>
'''ADD_HIDE_CLIP:''' <tt>false</tt>
: The Aarenet VoIP Switch forces to display the CLIP.
'''ADD_SHOW_CLIP:''' <tt>false</tt>
'''ADD_HIDE_CLIP:''' <tt>true</tt>
: The Aarenet VoIP Switch forces to hide the CLIP &rarr; Calling Restriction CLIR
'''ADD_SHOW_CLIP:''' <tt>true</tt>
'''ADD_HIDE_CLIP:''' <tt>true</tt>
: Invalid, the result is undefined!
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamHideClip
|line= 2
|xml= hideClip
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
See description of ADDR_CLIP_SHOW above.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamPublicClip
|line= 3
|xml= publicClip
|format= Number
|range= max. 50 characters
|default= Empty
Assigns this telephone number as CLIP of this internal vPBX telephone number for outgoing connections toward the PSTN. The assigned public number must be from the public number range of this vPBX.
* This parameter is valid only with private numbers.
* If no public number is configured as a public identity then no outgoing connections from this internal vPBX telephone number toward the PSTN is possible!
|version= 5.4
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParamFeatureVm}}
=== "Address" Feature: VoiceMail Box {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmMessageBox
|line= 1
|xml= messageBox
|name= . . .
XML container which defines the VoiceMail Box parameters that is associated with this telephone number.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmPin
|line= 2
|xml= autoAuthentication
|name= ADDR_VM_PIN
|format= Number
or <br>
value >= 0
<font color=#b8597c>'''Write only!'''</font><br>
Assigns the PIN to be used for the VoiceMail Box access.
:It is recommended to use only digits, else the user will have problems with a legacy telephone keypad.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmAutoAuthentication
|line= 3
|xml= autoAuthentication
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns whether the PIN is needed when the access is coming from this telephone number.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamSkipVmMessageMenu
|line= 4
|xml= skipMessageMenu
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that the main menu of the VoiceMail Box are recited.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmLanguage
|line= 5
|xml= language
|format= String
* de
* en
* fr
* it
|default= Depends on the address language ADDR_LANGUAGE
Assigns the language of the announcement texts of the VoiceMail Box.
<tt>de:</tt> German<br>
<tt>en:</tt> English<br>
<tt>fr:</tt> French<br>
<tt>it:</tt> Italian
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmSignalNewMessage
|line= 6
|xml= signalNewMessage
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= true
Assigns that a new recorded message is signaled by the message server of the Aarenet VoIP Switch to the SIP CPE.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmSubscribedMwiOnly
|line= 7
|xml= subscribedMwiOnly
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= true
Defines whether and how the telephone is informed about a new message in the VoiceMailBox. The format is „Message Waiting Information MWI”.
<tt>true: </tt>
: Explicit MWI Subscription only:
: MWI messages are sent to the telephone when it prior subscribed for the WMI service.
<tt>false: </tt>
: Implicitly, all registered devices:
: A MWI message is automatically sent to all telephones registered to this address. The telephone must not log in with the WMI service.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmEmail
|line= 8
|xml= email
|format= String
or <br>
Email Address, max. 64 characters
|default= Empty
Assigns the email address to which a VoiceMail message will be sent.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmFormatMp3
|line= 9
|xml= formatMp3
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that the message audio file is MP3 formatted.
The default is WAV PCM coded.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmBlocked
|line= 10
|xml= blocked
|format= String
* no
* Blocked Minutes
|default= no
<font color=#b8597c>'''Read Only!'''</font><br>
States, if the VoiceMail Box is blocked and how long it is blocked.
: If “no” is returned then the VoiceMailBox is not blocked.
<tt>Blocked Minutes: </tt>
: Remaining duration of the blocking in minutes
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmFaxOnly
|line= 11
|xml= faxOnly
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns if this VoiceMail Box is enabled to receive Fax only.
|version= 5.7
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamVmFaxAutoDetect
|line= 12
|xml= faxAutoDetect
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns that this VoiceMail Box detects automatically if an incoming message is a voice message or a Fax.
|version= 5.7
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParamFeatureCf}}
=== "Address" Feature: Call Forwarding {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
{{Note |
It is recommended not to use the call forward CF for vPBX call distributions. Use the AdminCenter feature "Distributions" for this purpose.}}
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamCfu
|line= 1
|xml= cfu
|name= ADDR_CFU
|format= Telephone Number
|range= max. 50 characters
|default= Empty
Assigns an "Call Forwarding Unconditional CFU" redirection telephone number for this telephone number.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamCff
|line= 2
|xml= cff
|name= ADDR_CFF
|format= Telephone Number
|range= max. 50 characters
|default= Empty
Assigns a "Call Forwarding Fallback CFF" redirection telephone number for this telephone number.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamCfb
|line= 3
|xml= cfb
|name= ADDR_CFB
|format= Telephone Number
|range= max. 50 characters
|default= Empty
Assigns a "Call Forwarding Busy CFB" redirection telephone number for this telephone number.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamCfnr
|line= 4
|xml= cfnr
|name= ADDR_CFNR
|format= Telephone Number
|range= max. 50 characters
|default= Empty
Assigns a "Call Forwarding Not Reachable CFNR" redirection telephone number for this telephone number.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamCfo
|line= 5
|xml= cfo
|name= ADDR_CFO
|format= Telephone Number
|range= max. 50 characters
|default= Empty
Assigns an "Call Forking CFO" redirection telephone number for this telephone number.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamDnd
|line= 6
|xml= dnd
|name= ADDR_DND
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns "Do not Disturb DND" for this telephone number. Incoming calls are connected to a corresponding announcement.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamRrn
|line= 7
|xml= rrn
|name= ADDR_RRN
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns "Reject anonymous calls RRN" for this telephone number. Incoming calls are connected to a corresponding announcement.
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParamFeaturesDiv}}
=== "Address" Feature: Diverse {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamLanguage
|line= 1
|xml= language
|format= String
* de
* en
* fr
* it
|default= Depends on the address language ADDR_LANGUAGE
Assigns the language of the announcement, e.g. do not disturb, used for this telephone number.
<tt>de:</tt> German<br>
<tt>en:</tt> English<br>
<tt>fr:</tt> French<br>
<tt>it:</tt> Italian
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamCallWaiting
|line= 2
|xml= callWaiting
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns for MGCP MTA if it is allowed to signal a new incoming call during a running call
: Incoming calls in busy state are not signaled.
: Incoming calls in busy state are signaled.
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamCallHold
|line= 3
|xml= callHold
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns for MGCP MTA if it is allowed to set the calling side on hold.
: Incoming calls cannot be set on hold.
: Incoming calls can be set on hold.
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamNoOfferOnBusy
|line= 4
|xml= noOfferOnBusy
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns if this telephone number is signaled a new incoming call during busy state.
|version= 5.9
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamRecordingEmail
|line= 5
|xml= recordingEmail
|format= String
or <br>
Email Address, max. 64 characters
|default= Empty
Assigns the email address to which a recorded call will be sent.
: The recording is started and stopped on a by call basis by the user due to pressing the record key or stimulus *#-procedure on its telephone keypad.
|version= 5.7
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamAutoRecord
|line= 6
|xml= autoRecord
|format= String
* true
* false
|default= false
Assigns if all calls will be recorded automatically and sent to the assigned email address in ADDR_CALL_RECORD_EMAIL.
|version= 5.8
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParamFeatureVpbx}}
=== "Address" Feature: Group {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
{{Note |
Groups are an important feature for the creation of a vPBX and the presence services within a vPBX.}}
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamGroupVpbx
|line= 1
|xml= pbx
|format= String
|range= max. 64 characters
|default= none
Assigns to which vPBX this telephone number belongs.
<font color=#b8597c>'''Note:'''</font><br>
* The vPBX group must be created already in the system of the VoIP Switch!
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamGroupMember
|line= 2
|xml= groupMember
|format= String
Assigns from which other groups this telephone number may refer additional authorizations.
A telephone number can be member of n groups.
<font color=#b8597c>'''Note:'''</font><br>
* The groups must be created already in the system of the VoIP Switch!
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamPresenceGroup
|line= 3
|xml= presenceGroup
|format= String
|range= max. 64 characters
|default= none
Assigns the group whose members are allowed to subscribe for the Presence service of this telephone number.
<font color=#b8597c>'''Note:'''</font><br>
* The group must be created already in the system of the VoIP Switch!
* Presence information are visible in this group and related superior groups
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamMonitorGroup
|line= 4
|xml= monitorGroup
|format= String
|range= max. 64 characters
|default= none
Assigns the group whose members are allowed to subscribe for the Monitor service of this telephone number.
<font color=#b8597c>'''Note:'''</font><br>
* The group must be created already in the system of the VoIP Switch!
* Monitoring information are visible in this group and related superior groups
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamMessageGroup
|line= 5
|xml= messageGroup
|format= String
|range= max. 64 characters
|default= none
Assigns the group whose members are allowed to subscribe for the Message service of this telephone number.
<font color=#b8597c>'''Note:'''</font><br>
* The group must be created already in the system of the VoIP Switch!
* Message information are visible in this group and related superior groups
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlAddrParamFeatureAcAccess}}
=== "Address" Feature: AdminCenter Access {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ===
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamAddressAdmin
|line= 1
|xml= addressAdmin
|name= . . .
|format= String
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamAddressAdminUsername
|line= 2
|xml= username
|format= String
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamAddressAdminPassword
|line= 3
|xml= password
|format= String
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.2
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamAddressAdminLanguage
|line= 4
|xml= language
|format= String
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.2
{{Xml_Table_Line | bgcolor= light
|link= OperationDamlAddrParamAddressAdminEmail
|line= 5
|xml= email
|format= String
|default= Empty
This parameter is not yet described in detail. Proposed procedure see section [[ #OperationDamlHowtoBestPracticesNotDocParam | "Not Documented DAML Parameter" ]]
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlQuery}}
= DAML-Query  {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} =
{{ToTop | OperationDamlQueryAccountNames}}
== DAML-Query: "List of All Account Names" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
This Query requests the names of all accounts which are configured in this Aarenet VoIP Switch.
The CRM must transfer a HTTP GET with the following parameters:
:* Query directive to request all account names
'''DAML-Query Example''':<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
'''DAML-Response Example''':<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml status&#61;'''"ok"'''>
: <account>'''an-acc-0020'''</account>
: <account>'''an-acc-0021'''</account>
: <account>'''an-acc-0022'''</account>
: <account>'''an-acc-0023'''</account>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlQueryLastConnections}}
== DAML-Query: "List of the n Last Connections of a Telephone Number" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
This query requests a list of the last n connections and connection attempts of a phone number.
This DAML query delivers the raw data of a connection. It is the job of the CRM application to transform these data into the desired form and representation.
{{Note | type=warning |
Limit the requested number of entries as it blocks the database during the query execution!<br>
This can cause alarming messages from the Aarenet VoIP Switch monitoring.}}
The CRM must transfer a HTTP GET with the following parameters:
:* Query directive to request the last connections and connection attempts of a telephone number
:* Unambiguous name of an account
:* Unambiguous telephone number or SIP address
:* Number of the requested connections and connection attempts
'''DAML-Query Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml status&#61;'''"ok"'''><br>
: <call>
:: <nowiki><time></nowiki>'''CALL_START'''<nowiki></time></nowiki>
:: <duration>'''CALL_DURATION'''</duration>
:: <direction>'''CALL_DIRECTION'''</direction>
:: <number>'''CALL_PEER_NUMBER'''</number>
:: <charge>'''CALL_CHARGE'''</charge>
: </call>
: . . .
'''DAML-Response Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml status&#61;'''"ok"'''><br>
: <call>
:: <nowiki><time></nowiki>'''2013-05-24T14:55:13'''<nowiki></time></nowiki>
:: <duration>'''12527'''</duration>
:: <direction>'''out'''</direction>
:: <number>'''0987654321'''</number>
:: <charge>'''0.16'''</charge>
: </call>
: <call>
:: <nowiki><time></nowiki>'''2013-05-24T10:20:38'''<nowiki></time></nowiki>
:: <duration>'''0'''</duration>
:: <direction>'''in'''</direction>
:: <number>'''0987654321'''</number>
: </call>
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
|line= 1
|xml= call
|name= <br> . . . <br>
|format= none
|range= none
|default= none
|description= Container which holds the call details
|version= 5.2
|line= 2
|xml= <nowiki>time</nowiki>
|format= yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
|range= none
|default= none
|description= Date/time of the call’s start
|version= 5.2
|line= 3
|xml= duration
|format= yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
|range= >=0
|default= none
Duration of the connection in milliseconds.
If the duration is 0 then it was a call attempt.
|version= 5.2
|line= 4
|xml= direction
|format= String
: in
: out
|default= none
Indicates whether it is an incoming or outgoing connection.
: Incoming connection
: Outgoing connection
|version= 5.2
|line= 5
|xml= number
|format= String
|range= Telephone Number
|default= none
Shows the telephone number of the other participant of the connection.
The meaning depends on the '''CALL_DIRECTION''' :<br>
: At incoming connections this is the number of the calling side (CLIP)
: At Outgoing connection this is the dialed number
|version= 5.2
|line= 6
|xml= charge
|format= String
|range= >= 0.00
|default= none
|description= Charge of an outgoing connection
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlQueryRuleset}}
== DAML-Query: "List of all Ruleset Names" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
This Query requests the names of all ruleset which are configured in this Aarenet VoIP Switch.
The CRM must transfer a HTTP GET with the following parameters:
:* Query directive to request all configured ruleset names
'''DAML-Query Example''':<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
'''DAML-Response Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml status&#61;'''"ok"'''><br>
: <ruleset>Route: Subscriber</ruleset>
: <ruleset>Signal: 2 Digit Signaling</ruleset>
: <ruleset>Signal: 3 Digit Signaling</ruleset>
: <ruleset>Block: International Calls</ruleset>
: <ruleset>Block: Satellite Calls</ruleset>
: <ruleset>Block: Block All Except Emergency Calls</ruleset>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlQueryEmergencyLocation}}
== DAML-Query: "List of all Emergency Locations" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
This Query requests the names of all emergency locations which are configured in this Aarenet VoIP Switch.
The CRM must transfer a HTTP GET with the following parameters:
:* Query directive to request all configured emergency locations
'''DAML-Query Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
'''DAML-Response Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml status&#61;'''"ok"'''><br>
: <emergencyLocation>GN0001 Aeugst am Albis</emergencyLocation>
: <emergencyLocation>GN0002 Affoltern am Albis</emergencyLocation>
: <emergencyLocation>GN0003 Bonstetten</emergencyLocation>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlQueryAnnouncementName}}
== DAML-Query: "List of All Announcement Names of a Telephone Number" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
This query requests the names of all announcement names of a telephone number.
The CRM must transfer a HTTP GET with the following parameters:
:* Query directive to request all announcement names of a telephone number.
:* Unambiguous name of an account
:* Unambiguous telephone number or SIP address
'''DAML-Query Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml status&#61;'''"ok"'''><br>
: <message>
:: <id>'''ANNONCEMENT_ID'''</id>
:: <duration>'''ANNONCEMENT_DURATION'''</duration>
:: <name>'''ANNONCEMENT_NAME'''</name>
: </message>
: . . .
'''DAML-Response Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml status&#61;'''"ok"'''><br>
: <message>
:: <id>179</id>
:: <name>Office Time</name>
:: <duration>16325</duration>
: </message>
: <message>
:: <id>180</id>
:: <name>Weekend</name>
:: <duration>253346</duration>
: </message>
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
|line= 1
|xml= message
|name= <br> . . . <br>
|format= none
|range= none
|default= none
|description= Container which holds the announcement parameters
|version= 5.2
|line= 2
|xml= id
|format= Number
|range= >=0
|default= none
|description= Unambiguous identification of the announcement
|version= 5.2
|line= 3
|xml= name
|format= String
|default= none
|description= Name of the announcement
|version= 5.2
|line= 4
|xml= duration
|format= Number
|range= >=0, in milliseconds
|default= none
|description= Duration of the announcement
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlQueryMessageName}}
== DAML-Query: "List of all VoiceMail Messages of a Telephone Number" {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
This query requests the identifications of all messages of a telephone number's VoiceMail box.
The CRM must transfer a HTTP GET with the following parameters:
:* Query directive to request all message information of a telephone number’s VoiceMail Box.
:* Unambiguous name of an account
:* Unambiguous telephone number or SIP address
'''DAML-Query Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml status&#61;'''"ok"'''><br>
: <message>
:: <id>'''MESSAGE_ID'''</id>
:: <name>'''MESSAGE_NAME'''</name>
:: <number>'''MESSAGE_NUMBER'''</number>
:: <timeStart>'''MESSAGE_DATE_TIME'''</timeStart>
:: <timePlayed>'''MESSAGE_PLAYED'''</timePlayed>
:: <duration>'''MESSAGE_DURATION'''</duration>
:: <saved>'''MESSAGE_SAVED'''</saved>
: </message>
: . . .
'''DAML-Response Example:'''<br>
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml status&#61;'''"ok"'''><br>
: <message>
:: <id>167</id>
:: <name>Dani</name>
:: <number>0987654321</number>
:: <timeStart>2016-01-14T10:29:00</timeStart>
:: <timePlayed>never</timePlayed>
:: <duration>35563</duration>
:: <saved>false</saved>
: </message>
: <message>
:: <id>786</id>
:: <name></name>
:: <number>0283746551</number>
:: <timeStart>2016-01-20T16:12:54</timeStart>
:: <timePlayed>never</timePlayed>
:: <duration>13876</duration>
:: <saved>false</saved>
: </message>
| header1= Variable Name: | header2= Format: | header3= Range: | header4= Default: | header5= Description: | header6= Version:
|line= 1
|xml= message
|name= <br> . . . <br>
|format= none
|range= none
|default= none
|description= Container which holds the message parameters
|version= 5.2
|line= 2
|xml= id
|format= Number
|range= >=0
|default= none
|description= Unambiguous identification of the message
|version= 5.2
|line= 3
|xml= name
|format= String
|default= none
|description= Name in the <Display> part of the SIP-Header "From:"
|version= 5.2
|line= 4
|xml= number
|format= Number
|range= >=0
|default= none
|description= Telephony number of the calling side.
|version= 5.2
|line= 5
|xml= timeStart
|format= yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
|default= none
|description= Date/time of the recording of the message
|version= 5.2
|line= 6
|xml= timePlayed
|format= String
: never
: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
|default= none
|description= Date/time, when the message was played the last time.<br>
: The message was never played.
|version= 5.2
|line= 7
|xml= timeStart
|format= yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
|default= none
|description= Date/time of the recording of the message
|version= 5.2
|line= 8
|xml= duration
|format= Number
|range= >=0, in milliseconds
|default= none
|description= Duration of the message
|version= 5.2
|line= 9
|xml= saved
|format= String
: true
: false
|default= none
|description= Indicates whether the message was marked by the user for a longer retention
|version= 5.2
{{ToTop | OperationDamlExample}}
= DAML-Document Examples {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} =
{{ToTop | OperationDamlExampleCreateAccResidential}}
== Create a "Residential Account" with 1 Public Number {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
:* Account for private customer with one telephone number
:* Customer public number 0987654321
:* Account TopStop with 50.00, warning at 70%, email to user@home.com
:* Block calls toward 09* numbers
:* VoiceMail Box active with email to user@home.com
:* CFF to telephone number 0123456789
See also: [[ #OperationDamlHowtoScriptResidential | "Download DAML Test Scripts for a Residential User" ]]
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
<nowiki><!-- Define the Residential Account --></nowiki>
: <account>
:: <accountName>RESIDENTIAL_DAML</accountName>
:: <info>Residential Test Account</info>
:: <password>1gRP9vBe</password>
:: <username>5umWIuce</username>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <tenant>DAML_Tenant</tenant>
:: <routingTable>Routing_to_PSTN</routingTable>
:: <pricelist>Price_DAML_SUBSCRIBER</pricelist>
:: <emergencyLocation>Default_Location</emergencyLocation>
:: <sysAccountTopStop>
::: <type>SYS</type>
::: <monthlyReset>true</monthlyReset>
::: <valueMax>50.0</valueMax>
::: <alarmLevel>0.7</alarmLevel>
::: <alarmEmail>user@home.com</alarmEmail>
:: </sysAccountTopStop>
:: <ruleset>Subscriber</ruleset>
:: <ruleset>Block 09*</ruleset>
: </account>
<nowiki><!-- Define Residential Telephone Number --></nowiki>
: <address>
:: <account>RESIDENTIAL_DAML</account>
:: <number>0987654321</number>
:: <language>de</language>
:: <disabled>false</disabled>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <portoutNumber/>
:: <messageBox>
::: <language>de</language>
::: <email>user@home.com</email>
::: <signalNewMessage>true</signalNewMessage>
::: <skipMessageMenu>false</skipMessageMenu>
::: <autoAuthentication>false</autoAuthentication>
::: <subscribedMwiOnly>true</subscribedMwiOnly>
::: <faxOnly>false</faxOnly>
::: <faxAutoDetect>false</faxAutoDetect>
::: <formatMp3>false</formatMp3>
:: </messageBox>
:: <cff>0123456789</cff>
: </address>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlExampleCreateAccSipTrunk}}
== Create a "SIP Trunk" Account with 100 Public Numbers for ISDN PBX behind SIP CPE {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
:* SIP Trunk Account for a customer with an ISDN PBX connected to SIP CPE
:* 100 public telephone number block 0555555550 – 99
:* The main telephone number is 0555555550, the other telephone numbers are registered via main number
:* Account TopStop with 2000.00, warning at 70%, email to info@customer.com
:* Block calls toward 09* numbers
:* CFF to mobile number 03333333
:* Signaling 3 digit 500 – 599 toward the SIP CPE/PBX
:* No VoiceMail Boxes
See also: [[ #OperationDamlHowtoScriptSipTrunk | "Download DAML Test Scripts for a SIP Trunk" ]]
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
<nowiki><!-- Define the SIP Trunk Account --></nowiki>
: <account>
:: <accountName>SIP_TRUNK_DAML</accountName>
:: <info>SIP Trunk Test Account</info>
:: <password>1j3RRw3r</password>
:: <username>MQa0b3eM</username>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <tenant>DAML_Tenant</tenant>
:: <routingTable>Routing_to_PSTN</routingTable>
:: <pricelist>Price_DAML_SUBSCRIBER</pricelist>
:: <emergencyLocation>Default_Location</emergencyLocation>
:: <sysAccountTopStop>
::: <type>SYS</type>
::: <monthlyReset>true</monthlyReset>
::: <valueMax>2000.00</valueMax>
::: <alarmLevel>0.7</alarmLevel>
::: <alarmEmail>info@customer.com</alarmEmail>
:: </sysAccountTopStop>
:: <ruleset>Subscriber</ruleset>
:: <ruleset>Block 09*</ruleset>
:: <ruleset>Signaling: 3 Digit</ruleset>
: </account>
<nowiki><!-- Define CFF --></nowiki>
: <callForward>
:: <name>CFF 03333333</name>
:: <type>CFF</type>
:: <destReplace>03333333</destReplace>
:: <priority>10</priority>
: </callForward>
<nowiki><!-- Define SIP Trunk Main Telephone Number --></nowiki>
:  <address>
:: <account>SIP_TRUNK_DAML</account>
:: <number>0555555550</number>
:: <language>de</language>
:: <disabled>false</disabled>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <portoutNumber/>
:: <mainNumber>true</mainNumber>
:: <registersViaMainNumber>false</registersViaMainNumber>
: </address>
<nowiki><!-- Define the other SIP Trunk Telephone Numbers --></nowiki>
: <address>
:: <account>SIP_TRUNK_DAML</account>
:: <number>0555555551</number>
:: <language>de</language>
:: <disabled>false</disabled>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <portoutNumber/>
:: <mainNumber>false</mainNumber>
: </address>
: <address>
:: <account>SIP_TRUNK_DAML</account>
:: <number>0555555552</number>
:: <language>de</language>
:: <disabled>false</disabled>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <portoutNumber/>
:: <mainNumber>false</mainNumber>
: </address>
<nowiki><!-- . . . --></nowiki>
{{ToTop | OperationDamlExampleCreateAccVpbx}}
== Create a vPBX Account with 5 Public Numbers {{Help_Status | | &nbsp; }} ==
:* Account for vPBX
:* 3 public telephone numbers 0123456787 – 89
:* vPBX requirement:
::* Access for vPBX administrator
::* Max. 8 channels
::* Max. 10 internal telephone numbers
::* Max. 5 App "an IP-Phone"
:* Account TopStop with 150.00, warning at 70%, email to info@customer.com
:* Block calls toward 09* numbers
See also: [[ #OperationDamlHowtoScriptvPBX | "Download DAML Test Scripts for a vPBX" ]]
{{ SW_Code | |
<daml command&#61;'''"write"'''><br>
<nowiki><!-- Define the vPBX --> </nowiki>
: <group>
:: <name>VPBX_DAML</name>
:: <parent>DAML_Tenant</parent>
:: <tenant>DAML_Tenant</tenant>
:: <pbx>true</pbx>
: </group>
<nowiki><!-- Define the vPBX Administrator --></nowiki>
: <admin>
:: <username>VPBX_DAML_admin</username>
:: <language>en</language>
:: <password>E4igy5f!</password>
:: <tenant>DAML_Tenant</tenant>
:: <role>PBX</role>
:: <pbx>VPBX_DAML</pbx>
: </admin>
<nowiki><!-- Define the vPBX Attributes --></nowiki>
: <groupAttribute>
:: <group>VPBX_DAML</group>
:: <name>maxPrivateAddr</name>
:: <value>10</value>
: </groupAttribute>
: <groupAttribute>
:: <group>VPBX_DAML</group>
:: <name>maxDevAnIpPhone</name>
:: <value>5</value>
: </groupAttribute>
: <groupAttribute>
:: <group>VPBX_DAML</group>
:: <name>channels</name>
:: <value>8</value>
: </groupAttribute>
<nowiki><!-- Define the vPBX Account --></nowiki>
: <account>
:: <accountName>VPBX_DAML</accountName>
:: <info>vPBX Test Account </info>
:: <password>a27fKuwer</password>
:: <username>4wku4sPE8r</username>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <tenant>DAML_Tenant</tenant>
:: <routingTable>Routing_to_PSTN</routingTable>
:: <pricelist>Price_DAML_Tenant</pricelist>
:: <emergencyLocation>Default_Location</emergencyLocation>
:: <sysAccountTopStop>
::: <type>SYS</type>
::: <monthlyReset>true</monthlyReset>
::: <valueMax>150.00</valueMax>
::: <alarmLevel>0.7</alarmLevel>
::: <alarmEmail>info@customer.com</alarmEmail>
:: </sysAccountTopStop>
:: <ruleset>Subscriber</ruleset>
:: <ruleset>Block 09*</ruleset>
: </account>
<nowiki><!-- Define the vPBX Public Telephone Numbers --></nowiki>
: <address>
:: <number>0123456787</number>
:: <account>VPBX_DAML</account>
:: <language>en</language>
:: <disabled>false</disabled>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <portoutNumber/>
:: <pbx>VPBX_DAML</pbx>
:: <presenceGroup>VPBX_DAML</presenceGroup>
:: <monitorGroup>VPBX_DAML</monitorGroup>
:: <messageGroup>VPBX_DAML</messageGroup>
:: <groupMember>VPBX_DAML</groupMember>
:: <groupMember>DAML_Tenant</groupMember>
: </address>
: <address>
:: <number>0123456788</number>
:: <account>VPBX_DAML</account>
:: <language>en</language>
:: <disabled>false</disabled>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <portoutNumber/>
:: <pbx>VPBX_DAML</pbx>
:: <presenceGroup>VPBX_DAML</presenceGroup>
:: <monitorGroup>VPBX_DAML</monitorGroup>
:: <messageGroup>VPBX_DAML</messageGroup>
:: <groupMember>VPBX_DAML</groupMember>
:: <groupMember>DAML_Tenant</groupMember>
: </address>
: <address>
:: <number>0123456789</number>
:: <account>VPBX_DAML</account>
:: <language>en</language>
:: <disabled>false</disabled>
:: <validAfter>2016-01-01 00:00:00</validAfter>
:: <validUntil/>
:: <portoutNumber/>
:: <pbx>VPBX_DAML</pbx>
:: <presenceGroup>VPBX_DAML</presenceGroup>
:: <monitorGroup>VPBX_DAML</monitorGroup>
:: <messageGroup>VPBX_DAML</messageGroup>
:: <groupMember>VPBX_DAML</groupMember>
:: <groupMember>DAML_Tenant</groupMember>
: </address>

Revision as of 16:57, 9 June 2017

Template:Page Help Links Template:PAGE SECTION BEGIN

Der Telefoniebenutzer und vPBX Administrator und Installateur findet hier Links zu weiterführenden Informationen zu:

  • Den verfügbaren *#-Prozeduren via die Telefontastatur zur Bedienung von Leistungsmermalen, z.B. unbedingte Weiterleitung CFU: *21<TEL_NUM>
  • Den Leistungmerkmalen für alle Telefoniebenutzer
  • Den vPBX Leistungmerkmalen, welche den vPBX Administrator oder Installateur interessieren

→ Top


Folgende Benutzerhandbücher stehen zum Download zur Verfügung:

→ Top

Hilfe für die Bedienung von Leistungsmerkmalen via die Telefontastatur

nav Gehe zur Hilfe für die verfügbaren *#-Prozeduren zur Bedienung von Telefonieleistungsmerkmalen via die Telefontastatur

By using *#-Stimulus procedures, the user can activate/deactivate or execute different features directly via the keypad of its telephone:

  • Call Forwarding
  • Call Rejecting
  • Display own Telephone Number (CLIP, CLIR)
  • Predetermined Conference
  • Check last Connections
  • Check own Telephone Number
  • Call Pickup
  • Call Recording
  • Switch Out of Call Distributions
  • Recording of Announcements
  • vPBX Call Distribution Normal/Night/Weekend
  • Login/Logout from CTI Routing

→ Top

Hilfe für die Bedienung von Leistungsmerkmalen via das Web Browser GUI

nav Gehe zur Hilfe für die Bedienung von Telefonieleistungsmerkmalen via Web Browser ...

The telephone user and vPBX administrator and installer can find here links to further information on the operation of telephony and vPBX features via the web browser based GUI 'AdminCenter'.
The list of features is divided into:

* The telephone features for all telephone users
* The vPBX features for the operation and configuration of a vPBX by the vPBX administrator or installer

→ Top

Hilfe für die Bedienung von vPBX Leistungsmerkmalen via das Web Browser GUI

nav Gehe zur Hilfe für vPBX Administratoren und Installateure für die Konfiguration von vPBX-Leistungsmerkmalen via Web Browser ...

The telephone user and vPBX administrator and installer can find here links to further information on the operation of telephony and vPBX features via the web browser based GUI 'AdminCenter'.
The list of features is divided into:

* The telephone features for all telephone users
* The vPBX features for the operation and configuration of a vPBX by the vPBX administrator or installer


© Aarenet Inc 2018

Version: 3.0     Author:  Aarenet     Date: May 2017