Solve Problems with VoIP Devices

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This article describes how the user himself can solve problemes with a VoIP device, e.g. VoIP telephone, or analogue device, e.g. Fax, over a modern VoIP transmission network.

If the user can not solve the problem, he / she can find out here which information he / she needs to provide for the provider support in order to help them efficiently.

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Best Practice: How do I start to solve my problem?

Miglior prassi
  1. Check that the telephone (VoIP device) is connected correctly
    nav Show me how...
  2. You are trying to get the phone (VoIP device) up and running, but now:
    • It doesn't load its configuration from the VoIP Switch.
    nav Show me how to check this ...
  3. You have already been able to make (inbound and outbound) phone calls with the VoIP device, but now:
    • The telephone shows on its display that it has no connection to the VoIP Switch
    • The telephone (VoIP device) is no longer available for incoming calls
    nav Show me how to check this ...
  4. You have already been able to make (inbound and outbound) phone calls with the VoIP device, but now:
    • You can no longer establish or receive connections
    nav Show me how to check this ...
  5. You can make (inbound and outbound) phone calls with the VoIP device, but now:
    • The voice quality is very poor
    • My counterpart doesn't hear me
    • I can't hear my counterpart
  6. We don't hear each other
    nav Show me how to check this ...

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Basic Check of the VoIP Device

The following basic conditions must always be checked first:

  1. Is the VoIP terminal correctly connected to the power supply?
    → Possible actions:
    • Replace the power supply cable
    • Use a different outlet
  2. Is the VoIP terminal correctly connected to the data network?
    • Plug the data cable into the correct port:
    • At the VoIP device
    • At the upstream IP device (IP router, xDLS modem, etc.)
    → Possible actions:
    • Replace the data cable
  3. Does the VoIP device display the behavior and indicators described in its user manual?
    If it's not:
    → Possible actions:
    • Contact the seller's or device manufacturer's support
  4. Does your data network connection work?
    If your Internet connection for your PC and the VoIP device is running via the same upstream device (xDSL modem, FTTH modem (fibre optic modem), cable modem), can the Internet be accessed via your PC?
    I don't know or if no:
    → Possible actions:
    • Contact the support of the Internet provider

  • Defect power cables must be replaced!
  • Faulty power cables can be life-threatening!

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The VoIP Device doesn't load the Configuration from the VoIP Switch


These instructions are only valid if:

  1. You have an account for the provider's self-care GUI.
  2. The VoIP device type can be configured via the provider's self-care GUI.
    → In case of doubt, contact the provider's support.

For all other cases, the VoIP device must be configured according to the manufacturer's specifications!

How does the problem manifest itself:
You are trying to use the VoIP device for the first time or after a restart of the device with the default factory configuration, but:

  • Nothing's working!

Verify in the user account of the self-care GUI:

nav Tab "Phones"
Click on the Pulsante [ State... ]
  • The "Last Access" parameter does not display the date/time and IP address of the VoIP device.
  • The "MAC provisioning" parameter does not display "done".

Check the following conditions and take action:

  1. Are the basic conditions fulfilled?
  2. Is the VoIP device getting an IP address after connecting to the network?
    → Possible actions:
    • Check network connection
    • Check DHCP service in your local IP network
  3. Is the web based user interface of the VoIP device accessible and can you log in?
    → Possible actions:
    • Check network connection
    • If the DHCP service is switched on in your local IP network, check via the telephone user or console interface whether the VoIP device obtains its IP address via DHCP.
  4. Is the configuration of the VoIP terminal in factory defaults?
  5. If no:
    → Possible actions:
    • Restart the device manually with the default factory configuration (see the user manual of the VoIP device)
  6. Is the VoIP Switch available?
    or is the redirection server of the device manufacturer configured correctly?
    or is the redirection server of the device manufacturer reachable?
    → Possible actions:
    • Contact the support of the telephony provider

If the problem cannot be solved, contact the provider's support with the following information:

  • Telephone number of the device which causes problems
  • Device type
  • Date and time when the problem occurred
  • Description of the problem:
"The VoIP device cannot load its configuration!"

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The VoIP Device doesn't Register with the VoIP Switch


These instructions are only valid if:

  1. You have an user account for the provider's self-care GUI.

For all other cases, the VoIP device must be configured according to the manufacturer's operating instructions with the correct SIP credentials of your telephony provider !

How does the problem manifest itself:
The telephone (VoIP device) is used for the first time or it has already been possible to make a phone call (incoming and outgoing), but:

  • Neither an incoming nor outgoing connection can be established with the VoIP device.
  • An outgoing connection can be established with the VoIP terminal, but it is not possible to reach it inbound.

Verify in the user account of the self-care GUI:

nav Tab "Phones"
Click on the Pulsante [ State... ]
  • At "Registrations" no user agent, no IP address, no contact is displayed.

Check the following conditions and take action:

  1. Are the basic conditions fulfilled?
  2. Did the VoIP device load the configuration?
  3. If no:
    → Possible actions:
  4. What does the log of the VoIP device show?
    → Possible actions
  • Act according to the instructions of the VoIP device.

If the problem cannot be solved, contact the provider's support with the following information:

  • Telephone number of the device which causes problems
  • Device type
  • Date and time when the problem occurred
  • Description of the problem:
"The VoIP device cannot register!"

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The VoIP Device cannot Establish or Receive Connections

How does the problem manifest itself:
The telephone (VoIP terminal) has already been able to make (incoming and outgoing) calls, but now:

  • The VoIP device cannot establish or receive connections to/from public or private vPBX phone numbers whose devices are verifiably working (e. g. checked with an mobile phone).

Check the following conditions and take action:

  1. Are the basic conditions fulfilled?
  2. Has this VoIP device registered?
    → Possible actions:
  3. For problems with incoming connections:
    • Is a call forwarding active?
    → Possible actions:
    • Check with *#00 if a call forwarding is configured and deactivate with *00 if necessary.
    • If your VoIP device has a private vPBX phone number, have the vPBX administrator check if the call distribution is still working correctly.
  4. For problems with outgoing connections:
    • Check with another device, e.g. a mobile phone or other phone of the same vPBX, if the desired destination number is reachable.
  5. If no:
    → Possible actions:
    • If you have a public phone number:
    • Check if a TopStop has been exceeded?
    • Is the desired destination number blocked by a RuleSet?
    • Contact the support of the telephony provider
    • If you have a private vPBX number:
    • Check if you need a leading 0, an other digit or no digit for outgoing calls to the PSTN.
    • Check if a TopStop has been exceeded?
    • Is the desired destination number blocked by a RuleSet?
    • Contact the vPBX administrator

If the problem cannot be solved, contact the provider's support with the following information:

  • Telephone number of the device which causes problems
  • Date and time when the problem occurred
  • Telephone numbers of the participating devices:
    A Number of the calling side
    B Number of the called side
  • Description of the problem:
"A cannot make calls"
"A cannot receive calls"
"A cannot make calls to certain B numbers:"
  • List of B numbers that cannot be called

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Poor, Partly or Completely Missing Speech Transmission

How does the problem manifest itself:
The VoIP device can establish or receive connections. The voice transmission was fine on earlier connections, but not now.

  • The voice transmission is disturbed:
  • B hears A disturbed
  • A hears B disturbed
  • The speech transmission is disturbed in both directions A <-> B
  • The voice transmission is missing in part or in full since beginning of the connection:
  • B does not hear A
  • A does not hear B
  • A and B do not hear each other

Check the following conditions and take action:

  1. Are the basic conditions fulfilled?
  2. Is the handset or headset connected correctly?
  3. Is the microphone of the handset or headset not muted?
  4. Are the volume levels for the loudspeaker and microphone on your telephone set correctly?
  5. Is the problem only with a specific parter? If yes, the other party should check the volume of the microphones, headset and headset being used.
  6. Remember:
    • Handsfree mode often produces poor voice quality.
    • Connections with mobile phones can be disrupted, especially when the call partner is traveling.

If the problem cannot be solved, contact the provider's support with the following information:

  • Telephone number of the device which causes problems
  • Date and time when the problem occurred
  • Telephone numbers of the participating devices:
    A Number of the calling side
    B Number of the called side
  • Description of the problem:
  • "The voice transmission is disturbed:"
  • B hears A disturbed
  • A hears B disturbed
  • The speech transmission is disturbed in both directions A <-> B
  • "The voice transmission is missing in part or in full since beginning of the connection:"
  • B does not hear A
  • A does not hear B
  • A and B do not hear each other

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FAX Transmissions do not or Only Partially Work

In a VoIP environment FAX no longer achieve the same degree of reliability as before in an analogue or ISDN one. The FAX reliability depends on various factors such as the type of device, device settings and the way the device is connected to the IP network. It depends also on the quality of the transmitter and receiver of the peer FAX devices. Getting all these factors together a transmission may not even start or dropped unexpectedly. The transmitted documents may be incomplete.

The users must expect increasing difficulties in the future, especially for international transmissions.

How does the problem manifest itself:

  • FAX transmission doesn't start
  • FAX transmission is dropped
  • The transmitted document is incomplete

Check the following conditions and take action:

  1. Adjust the FAX device configuration:
    • Reduce the transmission speed to max. 9600bds.
    • Switch OFF the error correction, e.g. EMC
    • If the device offers a "VoIP mode" then experiment with it and check if the results are better.

If the problem cannot be solved, contact the provider's support with the following information:

  • Telephone number of the device which causes problems
  • Device type
  • Date and time when the problem occurred
  • Telephone numbers of the participating devices:
    A Number of the calling side
    B Number of the called side
  • Description of the problem:
  • "FAX Transmissions doesn't work"
→ Don't expect miracles from the support!

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© Aarenet Inc 2018

Version: 3.0     Author:  Aarenet     Date: October 2017